Dice Roller

Campaign history for Fragile gods

Showing rolls 41 to 60 of 200 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-06-25 14:17:06sheep-dodgerWisp AnoiaFragile Godscreate underground currents of molasses1d20 9
2016-06-24 19:17:47meteloidesfragile godsmet-eorite1d100 7
2016-06-24 14:39:25JT JagJT JagFragile GodsFreebie (17)1d100 55
2016-06-24 09:39:01sheep-dodgersheep-dodgerFragile Godswisp-freebie1d100 18
2016-06-24 09:07:46UnCO3Fragile GodsMore than a Wisp1d100 66
2016-06-24 09:00:28TheNabsterThespiasFragile GodsRolling to recruit TALENT1d20 4
2016-06-24 08:21:26FartbossMystery WispFragile GodsLET'S DO THIS1d100 83
2016-06-24 08:14:59KwyndigAshFragile GodsBlessing some sense1d20 4
2016-06-24 08:12:53LuiCypherFragile GodsFreebie Roll for a 17!1d100 80
2016-06-24 07:57:30Barbed TonguesBarbed TonguesFragile GodsWisp event (17)1d100 53
2016-06-24 07:40:28TheanteroSeetheFragile GodsThe Little Wisp That Could1d100 79
2016-06-21 01:33:14KwyndigAshFragile GodsFixing Paradice1d20 13
2016-06-21 00:52:31TheNabsterThespiasFragile GodsRolling to art1d20 13
2016-06-17 06:50:02LuiCypherGod TBDFragile GodsBecoming a god(dess)1d100-3 75
2016-06-16 23:08:30TheNabsterThespiasFragile GodsRoll to God +111d100+11 96
2016-06-16 21:35:14adarkerporpoiseBlutFragile GodsBecome a god1d100+8 83
2016-06-16 20:56:10JT JagJT JagFragile GodsPushing Against the Veil1d100+4 71
2016-06-16 19:32:47Kwyndig??Fragile Gods1d100+4 96
2016-06-16 07:56:00UnCO3tbdFragile GodsBecoming1d100+10 83
2016-06-15 08:07:04TheanteroSeetheFragile GodsClaiming Godhood1d100-6 65

Showing rolls 41 to 60 of 200 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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