Dice Roller

Campaign history for Frajaq Outcasts

Showing rolls 102 to 121 of 241 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2014-10-01 21:05:55NFKZegasiFrajaq OutcastsAwareness (-10), TN 401d100 40
2014-10-01 19:32:50KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsDeceive test vs Plaga TN 1101d100 79
2014-10-01 19:07:02wericksGozerFrajaq outcastsAwareness at -10 DC of 101d100 91
2014-10-01 14:10:20DachshundofdoomFrajaq OutcastsAwareness vs 1 or 211d100 84
2014-09-29 17:23:16KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsCommand test vs Chosen1d100 26
2014-09-29 17:22:52KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsCommand test, Inspire Wrath on horde+Lucius1d100 9
2014-09-29 06:41:41LuiCypherVictusFrajaq OutcastsFear Check!1d100 38
2014-09-28 21:06:10KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsCommand roll vs chosen1d100 12
2014-09-28 14:31:21wericksGozerFrajaq outcastsShock test +401d100+40 81
2014-09-28 14:28:56wericksGozerFrajaq outcastsfear test DC 461d100 77
2014-09-27 21:30:56Kai TaveAristonFrajaq OutcastsFear test1d100 15
2014-09-27 13:39:35JolinaxasBazrothFrajaq OutcastsFear, TN 60 (50 + Radiant Presence)1d100 16
2014-09-27 09:43:21WaciOpifexFrajaq OutcastsShock1d100 13
2014-09-27 09:41:12WaciOpifexFrajaq OutcastsFear TN 651d100 76
2014-09-25 21:04:32KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsFaint for 1d5 rounds...1d5 1
2014-09-25 21:02:21KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsShock roll +301d100+30 113
2014-09-25 20:52:27KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsFear vs 55 reroll Unshakeable Will1d100 76
2014-09-25 20:51:54KorhalVatraFrajaq OutcastsFear vs 551d100 57
2014-09-25 20:42:48NFKZegasiFrajaq OutcastsWillpower +0, TN 651d100 68
2014-09-25 19:17:21DachshundofdoomFrajaq OutcastsFear vs 351d100 27

Showing rolls 102 to 121 of 241 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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