Dice Roller

Campaign history for God is Dead

Showing rolls 661 to 680 of 1260 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2011-01-19 21:16:42deadonthestreetIadosGod is DeadPowerful strike1d20+2 9 1d10+8 10
2011-01-19 21:11:07deadonthestreetIadosGod is Deadrecharge!!1d6 5
2011-01-19 20:30:45hippofantDMGod Is DeadBite vs Caleb's Reflex1d20+8+2 22 1d8+4 12
2011-01-19 20:29:26hippofantDMGod Is DeadRake vs Caleb's Reflex1d20+8+2 30 1d6+2 4
2011-01-19 20:25:36hippofantDMGod Is DeadBonus Crit Damage1d6 3
2011-01-19 20:23:57hippofantZarryna MyateGod Is DeadBooming Blade vs Skin Kite 2's AC1d20+9 29 1d6+6 7
2011-01-19 20:22:57hippofantDMGod Is DeadEscape vs Skin Kite 2's Reflex1d20+7 27
2011-01-19 20:17:35hippofantDMGod Is DeadSlam vs Ashley's AC1d20+9 12 2d6+5 13
2011-01-19 20:17:08hippofantDMGod Is Dead1d2 2
2011-01-19 20:15:44hippofantDMGod Is DeadSlam (charge to I20) vs Lyssa's AC1d20+9+1 12 2d6+1d8+5 20
2011-01-19 20:12:56hippofantDMGod Is DeadLongbow vs Skin Kite 1's AC1d20+7+2 20 1d10+3+5 17
2011-01-19 20:11:51hippofantDMGod Is DeadStealth1d20+9 24
2011-01-19 10:54:59adventfallsAzael BeharGod Is DeadChromatic Orb vs Reflex1d20+8 16 3d10+9 21
2011-01-18 16:48:31hippofantDMGod Is DeadFlyby Attack (Bite) vs Zarryna's AC1d20+8+2 21 1d4+3-5 1
2011-01-18 14:58:21deadonthestreetIadosGod is DeadDimensional Scramble vs Fortitude1d20+8 28 1d6+5 10
2011-01-17 14:31:00KayLyssa, Shard of the StarsGod is DeadDire Radiance vs Fortitude 16 (Rotwing 2)1d20+7+1 12 1d6+5+2+1d6 13
2011-01-17 14:27:43KayLyssa, Shard of the StarsGod is DeadHuman Guard MBA (AC19)1d20+7-5 4 1d10+4 11
2011-01-17 14:00:16ironzergCaleb SteelsheenGod is DeadSaving throw1#1d20 16
2011-01-17 13:43:55ironzergRabble TimeGod is DeadBull rush?3#1d20+4+1 21 10 8
2011-01-17 13:31:11ironzergCaleb SteelsheenGod is DeadInspiring Word1#1d6+3+3+8 17

Showing rolls 661 to 680 of 1260 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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