Dice Roller

Campaign history for Guild Adventurers

Showing rolls 156 to 175 of 255 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2019-04-26 22:53:03MaxAlita BlackwoodGuild AdventurersKnowledge (religion) about the "Lions of Between"1d20+5 11
2019-04-26 06:40:39jamiethLeannaGuild AdventurersPerusing Milligan's map: Kn.(Dungeoneering)1d20+9 10
2019-04-26 04:06:47MaxAlita BlackwoodGuild AdventurersDiplomacy with the Blues1d20+12 30
2019-04-26 02:13:16jamiethLeannaGuild AdventurersGather Information Diplomacy1d20+2 14
2019-04-25 22:31:24stinkyfoolSurrakGuild AdventurersAttack Roll 3 with Battle Drill1d20+6 11
2019-04-25 22:28:13stinkyfoolSurrakGuild AdventurersDamage roll 21d10+4 14
2019-04-25 21:33:57stinkyfoolMalkinGuild AdventurersDiplomacy, Sense Motive1d20+9 20 1d20+10 11
2019-04-23 23:21:57jamiethLeannaGuild AdventurersPower Hiking; Perception1d20+1 2 1d20+1 2
2019-04-23 20:22:44stinkyfoolMalkinGuild AdventurersSense Motive1d20+10 26
2019-04-23 20:20:06stinkyfoolMalkinGuild AdventurersDiplomacy1d20+9 14
2019-04-23 20:13:20stinkyfoolMalkinGuild AdventurersClimbing (DC10), Perception1d20 17 1d20+10 24
2019-04-23 15:46:38MedleyDastenGuild AdventurersKnowledge (Dungeoneering); Knowledge (Nature)1d20+8 13 1d20+3 12
2019-04-23 15:41:57MedleyDastenGuild AdventurersStrength; Perception1d20 14 1d20+8 10
2019-04-23 14:08:44MaxAlita BlackwoodGuild AdventurersDiplomacy to gather information at Mossy Rocks1d20+12 17
2019-04-23 14:08:08MaxAlita BlackwoodGuild AdventurersPerception on the hike up the mountains1d20+8 12
2019-04-23 14:07:32MaxAlita BlackwoodGuild AdventurersStrength to hike into the mountains1d20+2 22
2019-04-22 22:37:22jamiethLeannaGuild AdventurersKnowledge (Dungeoneering) on the same thing as Yuck's1d20+9 12
2019-04-22 22:36:03jamiethLeannaGuild AdventurersKnowledge (Geography) on "how far is Rainroot Crags and how to get there"1d20+9 22
2019-04-21 10:31:18MedleyDastenGuild AdventurersKnowledge (Nature)1d20+3 21
2019-04-17 13:31:31jamiethLeannaGuild AdventurersDiplo vs. Penhen1d20+2 7

Showing rolls 156 to 175 of 255 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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