Dice Roller
Campaign history for Hamunaptra Hula
Showing rolls 147 to 166 of 206 | top | next 20 | prev 20
Time | Roller | Character | Campaign | Description | Results |
2016-12-12 17:51:32 | spookylove | Lana Rey | Hamunaptra Hula | Create Advantage "Jungle Girl Doubke Team" | 4dF+4+2 7 |
2016-12-12 07:09:35 | lordmcdeath | Aram Avaikan | Hamunaptra Hula | Fighting +5 | 4dF+5 1 |
2016-12-11 17:49:57 | Glyptodont | Hans Jager | Hamunaptra Hula | Resist w/ Shoot+3 | 4dF+3 -1 |
2016-12-09 08:10:32 | lunaticvermin | Rosheen Quirke | Hamunaptra Hula | Athletics | 4dF+3 2 |
2016-12-06 17:57:29 | Glyptodont | Kimmy & Hamid | Hamunaptra Hula | Kimmy attacks +4, Hamid defends +5 | 4dF+4 5 4dF+5 3 |
2016-12-06 17:48:28 | Glyptodont | Hamid the Bodyguard | Hamunaptra Hula | Attack w/ Fight+5 | 4dF+5 6 |
2016-11-30 16:14:11 | Glyptodont | Rami al Batal & Hamid | Hamunaptra Hula | Create Adv w/ Deceive+5 & stunt & Defend w/ Empathy-zero | 4dF+5+2 6 4dF -2 |
2016-11-30 16:11:46 | Glyptodont | Thomas & Hamid | Hamunaptra Hula | Attack Fight+2, Defend Fight+5 | 4dF+2 2 4dF+5 6 |
2016-11-28 18:49:37 | Glyptodont | Wallid | Hamunaptra Hula | Defend w/ Will (+2) | 4dF+2 2 |
2016-11-22 17:46:14 | Glyptodont | Hamid the Bodyguard | Hamunaptra Hula | Resist w/ Fight +5 | 4dF+5 4 |
2016-11-22 17:33:36 | Glyptodont | Blaine vs. the Bodyguard | Hamunaptra Hula | Advantage: Shoot (Provoke)+3 vs. Will+3 | 2#4dF+3 2 4 |
2016-11-22 17:15:54 | Glyptodont | Hamid the Bodyguard | Hamunaptra Hula | Defend w/ Fight+5 | 2#4dF+5 5 6 |
2016-11-22 17:14:16 | Glyptodont | 2 club Bouncers | Hamunaptra Hula | Attack with Fight +3 | 2#4dF+3 1 2 |
2016-11-22 16:56:38 | Glyptodont | Hamid the Bodyguard | Hamunaptra Hula | Defend w/ Fight+5 (and Boost if needed) | 4dF+5 5 |
2016-11-14 18:07:12 | Glyptodont | Hamid the Bodyguard | Hamunaptra Hula | Defend w/ Fight+5 | 4dF+5 8 |
2016-11-14 18:05:35 | Glyptodont | Thomas | Hamunaptra Hula | Attack w/ Fight+2 | 4dF+2 3 |
2016-11-14 18:04:59 | Glyptodont | Thomas | Hamunaptra Hula | What's his Fight skill? Absolute value of 4dF, that's what | 4dF -2 |
2016-11-14 18:01:45 | Glyptodont | Rami & his Bodyguard Hamid | Hamunaptra Hula | Rami makes Adv. w/ Deceive+5, Hamid resist w/ Empathy-zero | 4dF+5 4 4dF -1 |
2016-11-10 17:10:38 | Glyptodont | Rami's bodyguard (Hamid) | Hamunaptra Hula | Attack w/ Fight+5 | 4dF+5 4 |
2016-11-10 16:47:34 | Glyptodont | Wallid | Hamunaptra Hula | Defend w/ Will +2 & Attack w/ Provoke +1 | 4dF+2 -1 4dF+1 -1 |