Dice Roller

Campaign history for Hellbound

Showing rolls 42 to 61 of 61 | top | prev 20

2017-09-15 11:06:33squidheadjaxArjentaHellbounddamage1d10+3 11
2017-09-15 11:05:42squidheadjaxArjentaHellboundLightning attack1d20+5 23
2017-09-14 13:32:40CannonballGloryHellbound1d20+5 14
2017-09-14 13:31:45CannonballGloryHellbound1d12+5 6
2017-09-14 13:18:33CannonballGloryHellbound1d20+7 21
2017-09-13 13:26:12Count DorkuCodaHellboundDamage roll1d10+3 4
2017-09-13 13:24:26Count DorkuCodaHellboundAttacking the ugly one1d20+5 17
2017-09-08 12:19:39Count DorkuCodaHellboundFinding an actual Guild deal1d20 12
2017-08-30 17:56:39Count DorkuCodaHellboundLying my butt off1d20 19
2017-08-26 14:16:44Count DorkuCodaHellboundAttacking the stupid one1d20+4 9
2017-08-16 12:48:19Count DorkuCodaHellboundWisdom check1d20 2
2017-08-11 21:13:20squidheadjaxArjentaHellboundA Second Spring1d6+1 6
2017-08-09 06:29:47PandorymHellboundChosen of Battles1d20 11
2017-08-09 06:26:51PandorymHellboundChosen of Journeys1d20 4
2017-08-09 06:16:09PandorymHellboundScarlet Whisper1d20 14
2017-08-08 18:52:53CannonballGloryHellboundThrone rooms are my favoured weapon1d12+4 8
2017-08-08 16:23:26squidheadjaxArjentaHellboundattack on Scarlet Whisper1d20+4+1 6
2017-08-08 12:11:08Count DorkuCodaHellboundContinuing to attack the Perfect1d20+3 17
2017-08-08 11:34:24CannonballGloryHellboundTO GLORY1d20+11 17 1d12+4 13
2017-08-08 11:33:55CannonballGloryHellboundTO GLORY1d20+11 15 1d12+4 14

Showing rolls 42 to 61 of 61 | top | prev 20

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