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Campaign history for Hollow THrone

Showing rolls 20568 to 20587 of 20687 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2020-05-04 18:33:09BakurielBayushi DegarashiHollow ThroneAthletics6d10o10k3 31
2020-05-04 16:43:51VanifaeMoto BatzurigHollow ThroneEtiquette2d10 7
2020-05-04 15:49:55Moto BaatarMoto BaatarHollow ThroneEpilogue, 3x Final Push with no raises, AGI/Kenjutsu (Scimitar) +Shinjo tech TN253#8d10ro1o10k4 39 27 31
2020-05-04 15:46:22Moto BaatarMoto BaatarHollow ThroneEpilogue, Relaying Orders with free raise, AGI/Horsemanship +Void Point TN257d10o10k5 39
2020-05-04 15:39:09Moto BaatarMoto BaatarHollow ThroneEpilogue, Tactical Planning with no raises, PER/Battle +Void Point TN255d10o10k4 24
2020-05-04 15:00:10NihachiMatsu ErinaHollow ThroneAttack roll 25d10o10k4 30
2020-05-04 14:49:11ZweihandedSeppun HoronigaiHollow ThroneRound 1: Iaijutsu/Awareness TN 20? (10 +Inugami's IR*5)6d10o10k3 32
2020-05-04 14:47:07ZweihandedSeppun HoronigaiHollow ThroneInitiative vs. Inugami5d10o10k3 26
2020-05-04 14:45:37NihachiMatsu ErinaHollow ThroneKenjustsu-Attack #1- VP spent-TN 255d10o10k4 23
2020-05-04 14:42:26NihachiMatsu ErinaHollow ThroneWarfan/Perception-TN 25-VP spent5d10o10k4 30
2020-05-04 14:36:56NihachiMatsu ErinaHollow ThroneEpilogue Battle Roll-2 raises-TN 359d10o10k5 31
2020-05-04 14:18:56VanifaeMoto BatzurigHollow ThroneKenjutsu + Void TN 30 1 CR10d10ro1o10k5 37
2020-05-04 14:18:35VanifaeMoto BatzurigHollow ThroneKenjutsu + Void TN 30 1 CR10d10ro1o10k5 34
2020-05-04 14:18:15VanifaeMoto BatzurigHollow ThroneKenjutsu + Void TN 30 1 CR10d10ro1o10k5 42
2020-05-04 14:16:08VanifaeMoto BatzurigHollow ThroneHorsemanship TN 257d10o10k3 25
2020-05-04 14:14:55VanifaeMoto BatzurigHollow ThroneBattle TN 253d10 21
2020-05-04 12:20:59MitsuhikoIsawa MiwakoHollow ThroneEVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], Jiujutsu/Agility TN 25, 3 rolls, VP for +1k1 on each, Ocean to refill Void3#6d10o10k4 20 26 36
2020-05-04 12:17:27MitsuhikoIsawa MiwakoHollow ThroneEVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], War Fans/Perception TN 25, Water Kami's Blessing,, VP for Skill9d10o10k4 35
2020-05-04 12:15:53MitsuhikoIsawa MiwakoHollow ThroneEVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], Casting Water Kami's Blessing 2nd time, BS +6, Isawa FR -5, TN 21, Affinity7d10o10k4 42
2020-05-04 12:13:09MitsuhikoIsawa MiwakoHollow ThroneEVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], Battle/Perception TN 25, Water Kami's Blessing,, VP for Skill9d10o10k4 45

Showing rolls 20568 to 20587 of 20687 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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