Dice Roller

Campaign history for Inconstant Fortunes

Showing rolls 1 to 19 of 79 | top | next 20

2018-07-31 19:25:59dmcsorleyInconstant FortunesGiant Rats Attacks8#1d20+4 9 22 5 8 16 15 14 18
2018-07-30 23:25:24DiscordianMistrockInconstant FortunesRat damage1d8 3
2018-07-30 23:24:16DiscordianMistrockInconstant FortunesSlicing a rat1d20 2
2018-07-30 23:08:31TelwathThistleInconstant fortunesDamage roll1d8+5 12
2018-07-30 23:07:25TelwathThistleInconstant fortunesAttack roll1d20+5 21
2018-07-30 23:04:09TelwathThistleInconstant fortunesDamage roll (Hoping I get the code right)1d8+1d6+5 11
2018-07-30 22:56:32TelwathThistleInconstant fortunesAttack roll1d20+5 16
2018-07-30 19:27:26hagensNadiaInconstant FortunesDamage to a Rat2d6+4 6
2018-07-30 19:25:10hagensNadiaInconstant FortunesAttack a Rat1d20+6 16
2018-07-30 19:03:54thoryaWaverlyInconstant FortunesDamage Shotgun to Rats2d8+1d4+3 14
2018-07-30 19:01:44thoryaWaverlyInconstant FortunesShotgun Attack Rats2#1d20+7 16 23
2018-07-30 17:57:57dmcsorleyInconstant FortunesWaverly Initiative1d20+3 7
2018-07-30 17:56:27dmcsorleyInconstant FortunesFrank Initiative1d20+1 8
2018-07-30 17:55:15dmcsorleyInconstant FortunesMistrock Initiative1d20+1 16
2018-07-30 17:54:23dmcsorleyInconstant FortunesThistle Initiative1d20+3 11
2018-07-30 17:53:25dmcsorleyInconstant FortunesNadia Initiative1d20+4 22
2018-07-30 17:49:27dmcsorleyRatsInconstant FortunesInitiative1d20+2 3
2018-07-26 04:42:07thoryaWaverlyInconstant FortunesSurvival to Track the thing in the basement2#1d20+2 15 20
2018-07-25 18:55:51hagensNadiaInconstant FortunesPerception Roll2d20 19

Showing rolls 1 to 19 of 79 | top | next 20

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