Dice Roller

Campaign history for Infinite city

Showing rolls 9 to 28 of 88 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-05-11 15:47:41ClasstoiseKaliInfinite cityAcrobatics to climb1d20+10 17
2013-05-09 13:35:31DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCrusader's strike healing on Kali.1d6+3 6
2013-05-09 13:33:43DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCrusader's strike vs. an unsuspecting X7 robot.1d8+2+1+4 12
2013-05-09 13:30:33DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCrusader's strike vs. an unsuspecting X7 robot.1d20+3+2+4-1 22
2013-05-09 11:58:29StringOfLettersThaddeusInfinite CityFlask chuck damage or spread2d6+5 10
2013-05-09 11:57:25StringOfLettersThaddeusInfinite CityFlask chuck, ranged touch1d20+1 11
2013-05-08 22:07:30DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityTactical Assessment: Determine granted maneuver at end of fourth turn.1d2 1
2013-05-08 22:03:47DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityVanguard strike vs. an unsuspecting X7 robot.1d8+2+1+4 12
2013-05-08 22:01:10DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityVanguard strike vs. an unsuspecting X7 robot.1d20+3+2+4-1 25
2013-05-08 18:05:12ClasstoiseKaliInfinite cityFASTBELL SPECIAL!1d20+9 22
2013-05-07 20:50:12DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityTactical Assessment: Determine maneuvers on reset.1d5+1d4+1d3 5
2013-05-07 15:52:32DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCrusader's strike healing on Gnarg.1d6+9 10
2013-05-07 15:50:47DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCritical crusader's strike vs. an unsuspecting crab.3d8+6+3+12 29
2013-05-07 15:48:43DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCritical hit confirmation vs. an unsuspecting crab.1d20+3+2+4-1 23
2013-05-07 15:47:14DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCrusader's strike vs. an unsuspecting crab.1d20+3+2+4-1 28
2013-05-07 13:20:12ClasstoiseKaliInfinite cityMurder Check vs Crabbutt1d20+9 10 1d8+6 12
2013-05-06 20:46:37DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCritical mountain hammer vs. an unsuspecting mantis.3d8+6+3+12+2d6 51
2013-05-06 19:38:59DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityCritical hit confirmation vs. an unsuspecting mantis.1d20+3+2+4-1 19
2013-05-06 19:34:20DawnfiendDurandalInfinite CityMountain hammer vs. an unsuspecting mantis.1d20+3+2+4-1 28
2013-05-06 09:51:55StringOfLettersThaddeusInfinite CityBomb explodes! Fire damage2d6+5 14

Showing rolls 9 to 28 of 88 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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