Dice Roller

Campaign history for Journey of the Apostles

Showing rolls 1 to 11 of 11 | top

2016-09-26 10:49:37FartbossRostram the BoarJourney of the ApostlesROSTRAM SMASH PUNY BIRD1d20+4 18
2016-09-23 06:54:33nothingtoseeherePetrovJourney of the ApostlesClimb the Tower: again1d20+4 12
2016-09-22 15:53:02ApocronMittens the Cat CookJourney of the ApostlesChit chat about the fog and tower1d20+4 23
2016-09-22 12:30:08Swedish ThaumocracyThe DivineJourney of the ApostlesPush a loose stone onto Daniel1d20 19
2016-09-22 11:12:22ZybourneMosscorpion (monster)Journey of the ApostlesAttack Daniel1d20 11
2016-09-22 07:03:33TheanteroDanielJourney of the ApostlesNon-Euclidean evocation1d20+4 11
2016-09-22 02:36:29nothingtoseeherePetrovJourney of the ApostlesClimb the Tower1d20+4 9
2016-09-21 18:51:04ApocronMittens the Cat CookJourney of the ApostlesCooking a hearty meal (Cookery)1d20+4 15
2016-09-21 17:24:03FartbossRostram the BoarJourney of the ApostlesARMOR: Guard the squishy1d20+4 5
2016-09-21 11:35:21TheanteroDanielJourney of the ApostlesApplied Mathematics1d20+4 11
2016-09-21 10:46:35Swedish ThaumocracyThe DivineJourney of the ApostlesSetting A Trap1d20 10

Showing rolls 1 to 11 of 11 | top

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