Dice Roller

Campaign history for Kamda

Showing rolls 648 to 667 of 1007 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2020-07-28 03:26:25HonorordeathObligation Rolls! Session 3!KamdaGrouping Three1d100 79
2020-07-28 03:25:42HonorordeathObligation Rolls! Session 3!KamdaGrouping Two1d100 78
2020-07-28 03:25:26HonorordeathObligation Rolls! Session 3!KamdaGrouping One1d100 65
2020-07-27 22:12:49tyrus34LysaKamdaD7 MA modding accurate onto custom grip hard check boost from tools2eP+1eA+1eB+3eD 4 successes, 3 threat
2020-07-27 19:10:17MitsuhikoJaxom UrsaeKamda[D7, EA] Something About a Girl, Average Charm, Stranger Setback, Location Boost1eA+2eP+1eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
2020-07-27 18:39:30MitsuhikoJaxom UrsaeKamda[D7, EA] Something About a Girl, Average Perception1eA+2eP+2eD 1 failure, 3 advantage
2020-07-27 16:35:34tyrus34LysaKamdaD7 ME strike initiative cool1eP+1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage
2020-07-27 14:59:14kryvnusTosath NazoraKamdaD7 EM, Heal Wounds on Solork, Medicine 3, Int 4, Medpac Boost, 2 Free Advantage from Bloodscanner, Difficulty 21eA+3eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
2020-07-27 14:57:50kryvnusTosath NazoraKamdaD7 EM, Blood Scan Solork, Medicine 3, Int 4, Difficulty 11eA+3eP+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage
2020-07-27 14:27:26kryvnusTosath NazoraKamdaD7 EM, Heal Wounds on Lysa, Medicine 3, Int 4, Medpac Boost, 2 Free Advantage from Bloodscanner, Difficulty 21eA+3eP+1eB+2eD 4 successes, 2 advantage
2020-07-27 14:26:32kryvnusTosath NazoraKamdaD7 EM, Blood Scan Lysa, Medicine 3, Int 4, Difficulty 11eA+3eP+1eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
2020-07-27 14:01:48MurasakiRaven CaderaKamdaD7 Medicine myself for practice! Easy2eA+1eD 0 successes
2020-07-27 13:17:41DurasayMixoTranq SayzinKamdaME7 - Strike Against the Tower - Cool for Initiative (Presence 2, Cool 0)2eA 1 success
2020-07-27 13:05:54kryvnusTosath NazoraKamdaD7 EM, Cure Easy Crit, Medicine 3, Int 4, Medpac Boost, Difficulty 11eA+3eP+1eB+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage
2020-07-27 12:01:50MurasakiRaven CaderaKamdaD7 ME Strike Against The Tower. Initiative - Cool2eA 1 success
2020-07-27 11:59:22Claymore FrostClaymore FrostKamdaLE6 - The Big Hit -Shooting team 2 - 3 Ag + 2 l.range 1 stair boost1eA+2eP+1eB+1eC 5 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Despair
2020-07-27 11:57:30AkikoLeah KusoKamdaSession 3 pocket money1d100 22
2020-07-27 07:36:31MitsuhikoJaxom UrsaeKamda[D6EA] Fact Finding, Average Perception2eA+1eP+2eD 1 success, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
2020-07-27 03:57:43HonorordeathThe Pit's!KamdaLeah Kuso, Difficulty for Charm, Hard with a Challenge, negated Setback1eC+2eD 0 successes, 1 threat
2020-07-27 03:32:27HonorordeathSession 3 DestinyKamdaDestiny1eF 2 Light Side

Showing rolls 648 to 667 of 1007 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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