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Campaign history for Keep on the shadowfell

Showing rolls 13 to 32 of 72 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-12-11 11:34:01bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSaving Throw vs ongoing1d20 18
2013-12-11 09:00:52bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSaving Throw vs ongoing1d20 3
2013-12-11 08:51:36bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSaving Throw vs Death1d20 9
2013-12-11 06:55:00bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSaving Throw1d20 11
2013-12-11 06:54:48bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSaving Throw1d20 3
2013-12-11 06:53:56bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellMelee Basic Attack vs AC1d20+10 16 1d10+4 12
2013-12-11 06:52:45bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSaving Throw1d20 13
2013-12-10 10:31:20bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSonnlinor's Hammer vs G5 Slime1d20+10+2 32 1d10+4 10
2013-12-10 10:25:51bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellNature1d20+1 8
2013-12-09 07:28:02bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellYanir's Hammer attack on slime vs ac with power attack1d20+10 19 1d0+4 4 1d10 2
2013-12-03 14:40:16bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellInitiative1d20+2 5
2013-11-22 14:24:12bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellSneak Damage2d6 6
2013-11-22 14:13:03bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellDamage1d10+4 11
2013-11-22 14:12:10bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellYanir's Hammer1d20+10 24
2013-11-22 12:53:27bcmiller189BennKeep on the ShadowfellInitiative1d20+2 14
2011-04-06 18:32:18GrimholttGrimholtt VinkriegKeep on the ShadowfellMelee Basic Attack vs AC1d20+3 17 1d10 3
2011-04-06 18:32:03GrimholttGrimholtt VinkriegKeep on the ShadowfellAssassins Shroud1d6 1
2011-04-06 18:24:41GrimholttGrimholtt VinkriegKeep on the ShadowfellAssassins Shroud1d6 2
2011-04-06 18:11:06GrimholttGrimholtt VinkriegKeep on the ShadowfellAssassins Shroud1d6 3
2011-04-06 16:12:10GrimholttGrimholtt VinkriegKeep on the ShadowfellInitiative1d20+5 24

Showing rolls 13 to 32 of 72 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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