Dice Roller

Campaign history for Killing time

Showing rolls 1 to 13 of 93 | top | next 20

2014-06-04 22:30:37g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeInfo gather rolls (about guards, bar power structure, chat with black guards) roll under 603d100 64
2014-06-03 22:47:23KimberleeskyeMaeKilling TimeHiding the weapons1d100 13
2014-05-29 20:38:39g10rshAlouiciouskilling timeCommon lore roll regarding this planet (49 or under)1d100 86
2014-05-29 20:16:18g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeInquiry with bubba the dock attendant(under 50)1d100 44
2014-05-28 05:24:50g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeVoid born, roll a d10, on a 9 the FP remains unused1d10 10
2014-05-27 23:43:53g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeFatigue suffered1d5 1
2014-05-27 23:35:50g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeReroll round 3 with a FP1d100 14
2014-05-27 23:26:09g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeAgility loss1d5 4
2014-05-27 23:21:16g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeSlaught comedown(T test -10)1d100 54
2014-05-27 23:20:07g10rshAlouiciouskilling timeSlaught Duration3d10 22
2014-05-27 23:17:34g10rshAlouiciouskilling timeBLKRCK Rds4d100 279
2014-05-26 20:57:22g10rshAlouiciousKilling timeanother test10d10 65
2014-05-26 20:53:42g10rshAlouiciousKilling timejust testing it6d100 310

Showing rolls 1 to 13 of 93 | top | next 20

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