Dice Roller

Campaign history for Kyuden Agasha

Showing rolls 83 to 102 of 102 | top | prev 20

2013-05-17 09:26:49MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInfluence Roll for Hida Takumi (Commander of the Imperial Legion), Courtier with 1 Raise, Final TN 25, 1 Void spent for +1k1, Influence to go to the Lion.6d10o10k4 20
2013-05-16 22:10:34MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaSincerity (Honesty)/Awareness, 1 Void spent for 1k17d10o10k4 25
2013-05-16 14:55:27MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInfluence Roll for Hida Takumi (Commander of the Imperial Legion), Courtier with 1 Raise, Final TN 25, 1 Void spent for +1k1, Influence to go to the Lion.6d10o10k4 41
2013-05-14 14:32:54MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInfluence Roll for Hida Takumi (Commander of the Imperial Legion), Courtier with 1 Raise, Final TN 25, 1 Void spent for +1k1, Influence to go to the Lion.6d10o10k4 29
2013-05-12 18:54:43MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaSincerity (Honesty)/Perception, 3 Raises Called, Final TN 40, +1k1 from Void7d10o10k4 23
2013-05-12 18:37:36MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInvestigation/Perception, TN 25, +1k1 from Void7d10o10k4 35
2013-05-12 14:39:48MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaMeditation (Void Recovery), +1k0 for Prodigy7d10o10k3 41
2013-05-12 14:05:37MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaLore: History, 1 Void for 1 Rank of Skill, +5 for Library FR3d10o10k2+5 26
2013-05-12 14:03:26MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaLore: Geography, 1 Void for 1 Rank of Skill, +5 for Library FR3d10o10k2+5 14
2013-05-11 22:47:29MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaSincerity/Awareness roll to Influence Shosuro Rikanahime (Owner of Bright Wind Geisha House), +2 Raises, Final TN 30, 1 Void spent for +1k1, Influence to be added for the Crane7d10o10k4 30
2013-05-09 14:27:32MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaLore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence, 1 Void spent, +5 for Free Raise4d10o10k3+5 24
2013-05-09 09:39:09MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaFocus against Isoshi6d10o10k3 29
2013-05-09 06:30:41MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaAssessment6d10o10k3 29
2013-05-09 06:28:37MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInitiative5d10o10k3 24
2013-05-09 04:48:20Shosuro TsaiTsaiKyuden AgashaAttack Takeo6d10o10k3 23
2013-05-08 23:44:11MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInfluence Roll for Asako Nana (Imperial Matchmaker), Courtier with 1 Raise, Final TN 25, 1 Void spent for +1k16d10o10k4 33
2013-05-08 17:04:23MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaFocus, Void Spent, Center Bonus, Prodigy8d10o10k5+3 46
2013-05-08 01:07:47MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaAssessment against Iko6d10o10k3 24
2013-05-06 22:30:34MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInfluence Courtier Roll for Akodo Yasu (Imperial Scribe), TN -5, + 2 Raises, Final TN 25, 1 Void spent for +1k1, Influence to be added for the Crane6d10o10k4 20
2013-05-04 19:56:25MitsuhikoAgasha MitsuhikoKyuden AgashaInfluence Courtier Roll for Akodo Yasu (Imperial Scribe), TN -5, + 2 Raises, Final TN 25, 1 Void spent for +1k1, Influence to be added for the Crane6d10o10k4 33

Showing rolls 83 to 102 of 102 | top | prev 20

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