Dice Roller

Campaign history for L5R SE: Justice

Showing rolls 1 to 3 of 3 | top

2013-06-05 09:53:19NinjaPeteMoto HamidL5R SE: JusticeHorsemanship7d10o10k3 20
2013-06-05 09:42:55NinjaPeteMoto HamidL5R SE: JusticeInvestigation +2k1 to notive Taint7d10r1o10k4 58
2013-06-03 20:42:21neongreyMoto MakotoL5R SE: JusticeCasting Sense Void - 1 Raise5d10o10k3 51

Showing rolls 1 to 3 of 3 | top

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