Dice Roller
Campaign history for Lookouts
Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 72 | top | next 20
Time | Roller | Character | Campaign | Description | Results |
2011-11-28 02:40:08 | mattakaslash | Taath | Lookouts | Perception | 1d20+4 10 |
2011-11-27 17:30:00 | splitterd | Inialos Xiloscient IV | Lookouts | Arcana to check for any active or residual magic in the abandoned village. | 1d20+8 19 |
2011-11-21 03:47:05 | mattakaslash | Taath | Lookouts | Nature | 1d20+9 19 |
2011-11-18 08:54:58 | moleface | Bixby | Lookouts | Nature check | 1d20 1 |
2011-11-16 15:04:56 | moleface | Bixby | Lookouts | Perception check | 1d20 18 |
2011-11-14 11:57:23 | Illianthar | Jason | Lookouts | Perception | 1d20+2 14 |
2011-11-11 20:05:59 | splitterd | Inialos Xiloscient IV | Lookouts | Saving throws vs. Enchantment from Wisps | 2#1d20 3 11 |
2011-11-11 06:33:35 | splitterd | Inialos IV | Lookouts | Arcana to detect any magical anything near me during my watch. | 1d20+8 23 |
2011-11-11 06:32:24 | splitterd | Inialos IV | Lookouts | Perception for first watch. | 1d20+0 13 |
2011-11-04 06:07:33 | mattakaslash | Taath | Lookouts | Nature | 1d20+9 27 |
2011-11-04 03:40:05 | splitterd | Inialos Xiloscient IV | Lookouts | History and Arcana roll! | 2#1d20+8 20 25 |
2011-11-03 12:25:46 | mattakaslash | Taath | Lookouts | Perception | 1d20+4 15 |