Dice Roller

Campaign history for Mystra

Showing rolls 89 to 108 of 108 | top | prev 20

2015-01-14 16:57:27QuornesIvanMystraDamage2#1d6+6 9 9
2015-01-14 16:56:44QuornesIvanMystraAttack2#1d20+10 28 19
2014-12-30 15:02:15DawnfiendBarkleyMystraDamage roll2d4+6+10 23
2014-12-30 14:59:44DawnfiendBarkleyMystraTumble check (as part of movement)1d20+14+5 25
2014-12-30 14:55:19DawnfiendBarkleyMystraAttack roll1d20+10-5 16
2014-11-07 01:44:47PiellDinaMystraReligion1d20+7 17
2014-10-15 23:22:14DawnfiendBarkleyMystraUnconscious (helpless) critical hit8d4+24+40 87
2014-10-14 06:06:53PiellDinaMystraPossible Crit1d20+13 30 2d4+10 16
2014-10-14 06:06:03PiellDinaMystraAttack1d20+13 32 2d4+10 14
2014-10-08 00:44:59QuornesIvanMystraDamage, plus sneak attack2#1d6+4 6 9 2#1d6 1 5
2014-10-08 00:42:56QuornesIvanMystraCrit Confirm1d20+8 20
2014-10-08 00:42:00QuornesIvanMystraAttacks2#1d20+8 27 28
2014-10-06 21:45:15DawnfiendBarkleyMystraDamage roll (emerald razor)2d4+6+10 20
2014-10-06 21:44:14DawnfiendBarkleyMystraAttack roll (emerald razor)1d20+10-5+2 14
2014-10-06 21:42:05DawnfiendBarkleyMystraTumble check (accelerated)1d20+14+5-10 14
2014-10-01 20:45:15PiellDinaMystraATTACK1d20+11 18 2d4+10 18
2014-09-28 09:43:12DawnfiendBarkleyMystraMiss chance (hit on high)1d100 52
2014-09-27 20:28:25DawnfiendBarkleyMystraDamage roll vs. serpent2d4+6+10+2d6 27
2014-09-27 20:19:51DawnfiendBarkleyMystraAttack roll vs. serpent1d20+10-5+2 21
2014-09-25 08:24:53PiellDinaMystraWill save vs Bestow Curse1d20+10 23

Showing rolls 89 to 108 of 108 | top | prev 20

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