Dice Roller

Campaign history for Operation Frostbite

Showing rolls 152 to 171 of 231 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-02-12 19:19:07sylphilisvassilyoperation frostbitestealth1d4e4+4 12
2017-02-12 19:18:07sylphilismakitaoperation frostbitestealth1d4e4+4 6
2017-02-08 20:11:45sylphilisStriderOperation frostbiteNotice1d6e6+2 5
2017-02-08 00:36:28sylphilisvassilyoperation frostbitevigor1d6e6 3
2017-02-08 00:35:33sylphilisvassilyoperation frostbitevigor1d8e8 3
2017-02-01 00:50:33sylphilissteeloperation frostbitenotice1d4e4 6
2017-01-28 19:53:23sylphilismakitaoperation frostbiteknowledge1d4e4-2 -1
2017-01-22 23:25:51sylphilisoperation frostbitemedicae1d10e10 6
2017-01-22 23:20:19sylphilisoperation frostbitemedicae1d10e10 9
2017-01-20 02:28:12sylphilistac armsoperation frostbitedamage1d6e6 2
2017-01-20 02:27:11sylphilistac armsoperation frostbiteattack damage2d6 10
2017-01-20 02:26:24sylphilistac armsoperation frostbiteattack damage8#1d6e6 3 4 1 5 5 2 8 12 8#3d6e6+4 14 16...
2017-01-20 02:24:48sylphilistac armsoperation frostbiteattack damage4#1d6e6 3 2 5 2
2017-01-20 02:23:07sylphilissteel trooperoperation frostbiteattack damage1d6e6 5 3d6e6 14
2017-01-20 02:21:50sylphilissteel trooperoperation frostbitegrapple1d6e6 2 1d6e6 3
2017-01-20 02:07:14sylphiliskransyeoperation frostbiteattack damage2#1d6e6 5 2 2#2d8e8 6 8
2017-01-20 02:06:13sylphiliskransyeoperation frostbiteattack damage1d6e6 5 3d6e6 9
2017-01-20 01:53:48sylphilisoperation frostbiteattack damage1d6e6 1 2d8e8 11
2017-01-19 02:57:11sylphilismakitaoperation frostbiteattack damage1d6e6 12 7d6e6 28
2017-01-19 02:56:05sylphilisstrideroperation frostbitepilot1d6e6-4 -1

Showing rolls 152 to 171 of 231 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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