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Campaign history for Palpatine Protects

Showing rolls 40 to 59 of 79 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2015-05-23 17:03:45foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsShip Integrity3eP+1eA+2eB+4eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
2015-05-23 14:34:49MustacheRideDalulPalpatine ProtectsGonk1eA+2eD 0 successes, 1 threat
2015-05-23 13:00:12foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsVirus Upload3eP+1eA+1eB+1eC+3eD 2 successes, 3 threat
2015-05-23 12:45:17sniper4625Octavius RyanPalpatine ProtectsLeadership Test: Rally after attack3eP+1eA+2eB+2eD 5 successes, 1 threat
2015-05-21 21:02:48MustacheRideDalulPalpatine ProtectsAstrogation1eA+3eD 1 failure, 2 threat
2015-05-20 13:00:51foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsWatching for monsters2eP+2eB 1 success, 3 advantage
2015-05-19 10:15:53mechayahikoJianPalpatine ProtectsBuying Labor Droids and Hiring Ugnaught Engineers2eP+1eA+1eB+3eD 3 successes, 1 threat
2015-05-18 11:06:41mechayahikoJianPalpatine ProtectsStreetwise to find the Colonel1eP+2eA 3 successes, 2 advantage
2015-05-18 09:15:10foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsGetting a power draw map3eP+1eA+1eB+3eD 2 successes
2015-05-18 07:42:28sniper4625Octavius RyanPalpatine ProtectsEducation: Living ships?3eP+4eD 3 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
2015-05-17 11:27:04foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsNetcrawler difficulty1eC+4eD 3 failures, 2 threat, 1 Despair
2015-05-17 11:15:54foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsNetcrawler4eP+1eB 5 successes, 1 Triumph
2015-05-17 11:07:57foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsNetcrawler2eP+2eA+1eB 3 successes, 4 advantage
2015-05-16 16:11:44mechayahikoJianPalpatine ProtectsBuying Droids and Ion Rifles2eP+1eA+1eB+2eS+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat
2015-05-16 14:14:58sniper4625Octavius RyanPalpatine ProtectsLeadership: Coordinating Dificulty2eD 2 failures, 1 threat
2015-05-16 14:03:12sniper4625Octavius RyanPalpatine ProtectsLeadership: Coordinate business3eP+1eA+2eB 4 successes, 4 advantage, 2 Triumph
2015-05-16 12:50:13foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsSurveying the Planet2eP+3eB+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
2015-05-16 12:44:51foolofsoundArfus KroadPalpatine ProtectsInventing Ion Fence3eP+1eA+1eB+3eD 0 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
2015-05-15 14:25:44sniper4625Octavius RyanPalpatine ProtectsCharm: Tell me about the fleet2eP+1eA+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
2015-05-14 21:11:02sniper4625Octavius RyanPalpatine ProtectsOuter Rim Resource Planets Actual Die1eP+2eA 0 successes, 5 advantage

Showing rolls 40 to 59 of 79 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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