Dice Roller

Campaign history for Random Skill League

Showing rolls 2 to 21 of 101 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2012-06-12 22:18:05panthrjdSxud SludgerantRandom Skill LeagueDoubles Category Roll (Snot)1d4 3
2012-06-12 22:16:17panthrjdFaq the SlingshotRandom Skill LeagueSkill Up! (5+3)1d10 4
2012-06-04 22:08:01panthrjdCrowbar the Fang PullerRandom Skill LeagueRolled 6 (Singles), Strength Skill1d10 4
2012-06-04 22:06:18panthrjdBartholemew the ArticulateRandom Skill LeagueLevel Up! (rolled 9)1d10 8
2012-05-28 19:06:21panthrjdRikkitikkiRandom Skill LeagueRikkitikki's level up (rolled 7)1d10 6
2012-05-24 21:00:29Agent355SVRandom Skill LeagueSkill1d14 3
2012-05-24 20:59:38Agent355SVRandom Skill LeagueSkill1d14 5
2012-05-24 20:58:58Agent355SVRandom Skill LeagueSkill Category1d2 1
2012-05-24 20:58:01Agent355Gunner 2Random Skill LeagueSkill1d10 6
2012-05-24 20:54:54Agent355Gunner 2Random Skill LeagueSkill Category1d2 2
2012-05-20 21:36:48Mighty DicktronMennas as DemonspawnRandom Skill LeagueStrength Level1d10 2
2012-05-20 21:35:39Mighty DicktronMennas as DemonspawnRandom Skill LeagueNormals1d3 2
2012-05-20 13:45:40panthrjdPlank Khorne EaterRandom Skill LeagueStrength skill1d10 10
2012-05-20 13:43:32panthrjdPlank Khorne EaterRandom Skill LeagueRolled doubles! Skill category1d4 4
2012-05-20 13:40:57panthrjdFuggz, Slayer of the UndeceasedRandom Skill LeagueStrength skill, round 2!1d10 7
2012-05-20 13:39:58panthrjdFuggz, Slayer of the UndeceasedRandom Skill LeagueSkill (Strength)1d10 1
2012-05-19 13:52:23DrThodtEndearingRandom Skill LeagueSkill or Ag1d2 1
2012-05-18 11:01:28ZwiebelSAFred Fishman, 1st level upRandom Skill LeagueStrength Skill Roll = 1d101d10 5
2012-05-15 22:14:30SenerioTo the SKULL of CenaRandom Skill LeagueAgility Die1d9 6
2012-05-11 04:24:26ShogunateSARandom Skill LeagueTeam Selection1d17 10

Showing rolls 2 to 21 of 101 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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