Dice Roller

Campaign history for Rote

Showing rolls 1 to 6 of 6 | top

2013-12-17 16:46:40NolraiMihoRoteDisrupting thle Metal Flower2d6+4d8+1d10+1d12 32
2013-12-05 14:57:35NolraiMihorotestrees die on Haruko1d12 3
2013-12-04 07:23:06NolraiMihorotedistract the knife thrower2d8+2d10+1d6 24
2013-04-22 17:59:42RotEDon't mean to taunt yah If you leave nowROTEI'll come back and haunt you You'll remember, resend to sender now, nooooooow3#3d6 10 11 9
2013-04-22 17:54:34RotEExit Exit somehow I guessed it rightROTERiiiight But I still want ya want ya3#3d6 14 7 8
2013-04-22 17:53:02RotEtesting testing I'm just suggestingROTEYou and I Might not be the best thing3#3d6 7 10 9

Showing rolls 1 to 6 of 6 | top

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