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Campaign history for Run-N.P.C.

Showing rolls 113 to 132 of 212 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2011-11-22 13:14:55K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.Grappling Strike1d20+10 16 1d8+5 10
2011-11-17 19:49:10EttinCharles JacksonRun-N.P.C.Freezing Ball, G3 G42#1d20+7 8 19 1d6+5-2 9
2011-11-17 15:38:24K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.MBA1d20+17 34 1d8+7 12
2011-11-16 20:35:30EttinCharles JacksonRun-N.P.C.Athletics to get up1d20+6 17
2011-11-16 17:26:24K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.CRIT DAMAGE MFERS1d6 1
2011-11-16 17:17:49epsilonplusAmelianna LowellRun-N.P.C.Probing Strike vs AC (G5) plus Sneak Attack1d20+14 20 1d10+6 12 2d8 6
2011-11-16 17:16:55K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.Takedown attack charge1d20+11 31 1d8+5 6
2011-11-16 17:14:07K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.Intimidate1d20+8 20
2011-11-16 16:58:38KaynG5Run-N.P.C.Shivving Lotus Shadow (+CA!) AC 191d20+8 10 2d4+4 10
2011-11-16 16:55:33KaynG4Run-N.P.C.Shivving Lotus Shadow (AC 19)1d20+8 18 1d4+4 6
2011-11-16 16:50:10KaynG3Run-N.P.C.Garotte vs Charles (Fort 13)1d20+6 19 1d4+1 3
2011-11-16 15:45:25epsilonplusAmelianna LowellRun-N.P.C.Unbalancing Shot vs AC (G5)1d20+12 25 2d10+6 20
2011-11-16 13:37:08KaynG1Run-N.P.C.Save to avoid being turned into Mince1d20 13
2011-11-16 13:30:37KaynG2Run-N.P.C.Save to avoid being turned into Mince1d20 11
2011-11-16 06:11:55K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.Disrupting Advance1d20+10 26 2d8+5 14
2011-11-16 05:50:57EttinCharles JacksonRun-N.P.C.Thunderwave upwards!2#1d20+7 27 11 1d6+5-2 5
2011-11-15 23:15:23K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.Flerp derp I have to CHARGE that square so all my numbers are wrong1d20+11 21 1d8+7 9
2011-11-15 22:14:40K PrimeJoseRun-N.P.C.Grappling Strike1d20+10 15 1d8+5 10
2011-11-15 18:15:34KaynG4Run-N.P.C.Garotte (+CA) vs Lotus Shadow (Fort 17)1d20+6+2 20 1d4+1 4
2011-11-15 17:29:48KaynGoblin G2Run-N.P.C.Shiv vs Lotus Shadow, AC191d20+8 21 1d4+4 7

Showing rolls 113 to 132 of 212 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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