Dice Roller

Campaign history for Scum of the Universe

Showing rolls 40 to 59 of 59 | top | prev 20

2022-08-22 13:05:44Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseDetermination4d6x4 7
2022-08-22 13:05:11Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseDetermination4d6x4 1
2022-08-22 07:35:12PottedPlantScum of the UniverseAdmiral's Attacks8#1d6 3 1 6 3 2 5 3 4 7#1d6 5 4...
2022-08-22 03:29:34Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseGlory3d6x4 2
2022-08-22 03:26:34Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseWrath to reroll failed dice4d6x4 1
2022-08-22 03:13:32Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseDeception7d6x4 5
2022-08-21 00:31:37Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseFrag grenade ED4d6x4 5
2022-08-21 00:29:08Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseFrag grenade5d6x4-3 0
2022-08-03 07:10:47Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseDe-atomiser ED3d6x4 2
2022-08-03 07:01:17Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseDe-atomiser attack7d6x4-2 6
2022-08-03 06:41:19Mr AdventurertestScum of the UniverseAwareness5d6x4-4 2
2022-08-03 06:41:14Mr AdventurertestScum of the UniverseAwareness5d6x4-4 -3
2022-08-03 06:41:07Mr AdventurertestScum of the UniverseAwareness5d6x4-4 -2
2022-08-03 06:40:59Mr AdventurertestScum of the UniverseAwareness5d6x4-4 -1
2022-08-03 06:40:44Mr AdventurertestScum of the UniverseAwareness5d6x4-4 -4
2022-08-02 00:03:43Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseAwareness5d6x4 2
2022-07-26 12:39:48Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseLeadership7d6x4 3
2022-06-23 16:04:12Mr AdventurerKyrekScum of the UniverseStealth9d6x4 5
2022-05-06 13:43:13DonanKyrekScum of the UniverseAwareness3d6x4 2
2022-05-06 11:40:49Mr AdventurerCaptain CorneliusScum of the UniverseLeadership7d6x4 1

Showing rolls 40 to 59 of 59 | top | prev 20

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