Dice Roller

Campaign history for Serpents

Showing rolls 15 to 34 of 54 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2010-10-29 09:38:13SnowdownSkinwalker SkeletonSerpentsSave vs falling to Doom1d20 1
2010-10-28 13:27:19WoogityRadudulusSerpentsstrenght vs skeleton1d20+4 21
2010-10-28 13:05:09WoogityRadulusSerpentsgrapple check on the skeleton1d20+4 21
2010-10-28 06:47:54SnowdownSkinwalkerSerpentsPummel vs Rolan1d20+5 16 1d8+8 13
2010-10-28 06:37:34SnowdownMage WightSerpents1d20+7 25 1d8+3 5
2010-10-25 05:53:33WoogityRadulus AnvilspitSerpentspreception on stairs to hear for movement1d20+1 12
2010-10-18 07:48:25WoogityRadulusSerpentspreception1d20+1 9
2010-10-18 07:46:03WoogityRadulusSerpentsinitiative1d20+1 21
2010-10-02 16:53:46WoogityRadulus Anvilspitserpentsnature check for the girl1d20+1 9
2010-09-28 10:46:35WoogityRadulus AnvilspitSerpentsdiplomacy to calm the frightened elf girl1d20 12
2010-09-24 05:42:37WoogityRadulusSerpentswaking up preception check1d20+1 11
2010-09-20 17:53:55WoogityRadulus Anvilspitserpentspreception check on the door1d20+1 7
2010-09-16 14:05:38WoogityRadulusserpentsheal check on Zan to revive1d20+6 24
2010-09-15 05:49:42WoogityRadulus ( Rad) AnvilspitserpentsWord of Shielding vs AC on the bugbear1d20+6 17 2d6+4 12
2010-09-13 18:11:15WoogityRadulus Anvilspitserpentsknowledge of nature on bugbear?1d20+1 19
2010-09-08 10:27:01WoogityRadulus ( Rad) AnvilspitSerpentsFlames of Purity vs ACsoldier1d20+6 19 2d6+4 14
2010-09-08 10:26:55WoogityRadulus ( Rad) AnvilspitSerpentsFlames of Purity vs ACsoldier1d20+6 16 2d6+4 16
2010-09-08 10:26:33WoogityRadulus ( Rad) AnvilspitSerpentsFlames of Purity vs AC subcommander1d20+6 13 2d6+4 12
2010-09-08 10:22:27WoogityRadulus ( Rad) AnvilspitSerpentsHowling Strike vs AC soldier11d20+7 22 2d6+1d6+6 17
2010-09-07 10:20:17WoogityRadulus ( Rad) AnvilspitserpentsOa vs wolf AC1d20+6 9 2d6+4 8

Showing rolls 15 to 34 of 54 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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