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Campaign history for Setsuban

Showing rolls 3123 to 3142 of 3222 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-01-16 21:04:18Kitsu ShukeiMoshi HinagikuSetsubanSerpents in the Grass (D12-LA). Round 4. Wrathful Glare of the Sun, 3 Raises + 1FR Damage. TN 259d10o10k4 31
2017-01-16 19:01:48Mirumoto ShaitoAgasha MufaSetsubanarmor of earth -15 pen (tn 25)8d10o10k4 49
2017-01-16 13:12:02TenjobitoAkodo BeniSetsubanD12, Shiro Chuda, round 3, second attack damage7d10o10k2 20
2017-01-16 13:11:02TenjobitoAkodo BeniSetsubanD12, Shiro Chuda, round 3, Beni's second attack, tn33 w/ wound penalties, free raise to lower tn to 288d10o10k4 37
2017-01-16 13:10:08TenjobitoAkodo BeniSetsubanD12, Shiro Chuda, round 3, first attack damage7d10o10k2 36
2017-01-16 13:09:17TenjobitoAkodo BeniSetsubanD12, Shiro Chuda, round 3, Beni's first attack, tn33 w/ wound penalties, free raise to lower tn to 288d10o10k4 33
2017-01-16 13:07:40TenjobitoAkodo BeniSetsubanD12, Shiro Chuda, round 3, Horsemanship/Awareness tn20 to get horse to attack (tn 35 with wound penalties)6d10o10k3 18
2017-01-16 10:09:25MidoriLegionairesSetsubanDay 12 LA - Round 3 Spearmen getting scorched by Mufa3#4d10o10k2 16 18 12
2017-01-16 09:46:28MidoriLegionairesSetsubanDay 12 LA - Round 3 Archers damage on Beni4d10o10k2 26
2017-01-16 09:45:35MidoriLegionairesSetsubanDay 12 LA - Round 3 Archers on Beni, TN 25 then 302#6d10o10k3 23 60
2017-01-16 09:42:07MidoriLegionairesSetsubanDay 12 LA - Round 3 spearman trio Damage on Mufa3#5d10o10k2 16 30 28
2017-01-16 09:41:05MidoriLegionairesSetsubanDay 12 LA - Round 3 spearman trio (#s 2 &3) attacking Mufa TN 252#8d10o10k3 55 38
2017-01-16 09:40:13MidoriLegionairesSetsubanDay 12 LA - Round 3 spearman trio attacking Mufa TN 258d10o10k3 36
2017-01-16 09:38:22MidoriLegionairesSetsubanDay 12 LA - Round 3 spearman resisting Tempest TN 263d10o10 36
2017-01-16 05:06:15Kitsu ShukeiMoshi HinagikuSetsubanSerpents in the Grass (D12-LA). Round 3. Contested Air + 10, 4k4.4d10o10k4 16
2017-01-16 05:05:34Kitsu ShukeiMoshi HinagikuSetsubanSerpents in the Grass (D12-LA). Round 3. Damage. 3k13d10o10k1 6
2017-01-16 05:04:19Kitsu ShukeiMoshi HinagikuSetsubanSerpents in the Grass (D12-LA). Round 3. Tempest of Air, 2 Raises Damage, 1 Raise + 1 FR for TN. TN 259d10o10k4 42
2017-01-15 23:21:18AmagiShiba MaijikoSetsubanDivination at the void mound D12. 3CR What will I need to bring the Oracle of Earth home?10d10o10k6 51
2017-01-15 23:20:03AmagiShiba MaijikoSetsubanletters! 3CR, 1FR3#10d10o10k6 47 39 43
2017-01-15 23:17:18AmagiShiba MaijikoSetsubanFire Kami's Blessing, TN 107d10o10k3+5 50

Showing rolls 3123 to 3142 of 3222 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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