Dice Roller
Campaign history for Shadow of the Sorcerer
Showing rolls 105 to 124 of 204 | top | next 20 | prev 20
Time | Roller | Character | Campaign | Description | Results |
2022-08-14 13:04:00 | Jive Professor | Calhar Redwool | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Dodge 16/2 vs D1 | 2#1d20 8 10 |
2022-08-13 21:31:06 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Defiant Glare 12/2 Persistent | 2#1d20 1 2 4#1d6 3 3 2 4 | |
2022-08-13 21:23:08 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Exploit (Observation) 12/1 [D1] vs Verania | 3#1d20 15 4 5 | |
2022-08-13 21:04:59 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Melee 9/1 [D1] vs Calhar, Intense/Vicious | 4#1d20 4 2 12 3 5#1d6 5 4 1 1 6 1d20... | |
2022-08-13 20:56:15 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Melee 9/1 [D1] vs Metea, Intense/Vicious | 3#1d20 9 5 3 4#1d6 5 6 5 4 1d20 15 | |
2022-08-13 20:54:14 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Melee 9/1 [D1] vs Metea, Intense/Vicious | 3#1d20 5 19 11 4#1d6 2 2 4 3 1d20 4 | |
2022-08-13 20:48:52 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Ranged 9/1 vs [D1] Volley | 3#1d20 12 15 17 4#1d6 4 3 4 3 1d20 14 | |
2022-08-13 20:40:54 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Ranged 9/1 vs [D1], CD, hit location | 3#1d20 15 6 12 4#1d6 5 1 1 4 1d20 12 | |
2022-08-13 20:36:47 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Ranged 9/1 vs [D1], CD, hit location | 3#1d20 4 7 3 4#1d6 1 6 1 2 1d20 7 | |
2022-08-12 06:14:43 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | No Mercy | 1d6 3 | |
2022-08-10 19:28:41 | Jive Professor | Calhar Redwool | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Battleaxe damage 6D | 6#1d6 5 3 2 5 5 2 |
2022-08-10 19:27:00 | Jive Professor | Calhar Redwool | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Melee 15/1 vs D1 with 1 momentum | 3#1d20 9 19 8 |
2022-08-10 15:32:31 | Sage-Genesis | Metea | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Damage reroll | 3#1d6 3 2 2 |
2022-08-10 15:31:41 | Sage-Genesis | Metea | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Damage | 7#1d6 1 5 6 5 3 4 3 |
2022-08-10 15:29:10 | Sage-Genesis | Metea | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Melee 15/5 | 4#1d20 20 19 2 15 |
2022-08-10 06:17:20 | Archer | Maro | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Melee 14/4 | 2#1d20 16 10 |
2022-08-09 21:45:36 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Cover | 2#1d6 4 3 | |
2022-08-09 21:42:35 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Cover | 2#1d6 4 5 | |
2022-08-09 21:41:00 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Cover | 2#1d6 2 6 | |
2022-08-09 20:25:42 | atlictoatl2 | Shadow of the Sorcerer | Exploit (Stealth) 13/1 [D1] | 2#1d20 5 4 |