Dice Roller

Campaign history for Suffer Not

Showing rolls 3 to 22 of 22 | top | prev 20

2016-05-23 19:43:03wericksLeslieSuffer notdamage on servitor 3d10+43d10+4 20
2016-05-23 19:39:52wericksLeslieSuffer notsnipe servitor TN 851d100 64
2016-05-23 19:36:55wericksLeslieSuffer notini against servitors1d10+4 12
2016-04-24 08:39:38wericksLeslieSuffer notawareness1d100 63
2016-03-27 22:12:32wericksLeslieSuffer nothand cannon damage heavy ganger1d10+4 8
2016-03-27 21:57:46wericksLeslieSuffer notshoot heavy ganger TN of 651d100 74
2016-03-27 21:43:19wericksLeslieSuffer notsniper dam w/2 accurate3d10+4 12
2016-03-27 21:40:44wericksLeslieSuffer notsniper shot TN of 751d100 40
2016-03-27 21:37:56wericksLeslieSuffer notIni1d10+4 9
2016-03-14 21:20:18wericksLeslieSuffer notautopistol and hand cannon rounds each TN of 252#1d100 35 11
2016-03-10 19:16:32sullatReginaldSuffer notdivination1d100 10
2016-03-10 19:15:26sullatReginaldSuffer notwounds1d5 1
2016-03-10 19:13:20sullatReginaldSuffer notfate1d10 10
2016-03-06 08:07:59hunt11AcolyteSuffer NotFate Threshold1d10 10
2016-03-06 08:07:32hunt11AcolyteSuffer NotWounds7+1d5 9
2016-03-06 07:28:14hunt11AcolyteSuffer NotDivination1d100 39
2016-03-05 06:28:19wericksLeslieSuffer notdivination1d100 95
2016-03-05 06:26:19wericksLeslieSuffer notfate threashold 7+1d10 7
2016-03-05 06:25:36wericksLeslieSuffer notwounds1d5+7 9
2016-03-04 22:43:40adarkerporpoiseMatvey SolomonSuffer NotDivination1d100 88

Showing rolls 3 to 22 of 22 | top | prev 20

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