Dice Roller

Campaign history for Symwyrm

Showing rolls 452 to 471 of 671 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2020-01-20 13:15:27vorebaneSeekSYMWYRMrecharging augur!1d6 2
2020-01-20 11:09:28charmsPOBBIFSYMWYRMRecharging Poison Fangs...1d6 5
2020-01-20 10:15:04xiphopagusDragon MasterSymwyrmSpeed Test...2d6+3 13
2020-01-16 22:56:27TheanteroHODKETSYMWYRMOption C: Power Test - TN 92d6+2 9
2020-01-16 17:44:08podimaGUYSYMWYRMSmash That Statue (Power)2d6+5 15
2020-01-16 14:21:19RaimentSpryggSymWyrmEvent Choice A: Attribute Test vs Sweetstrangle2d6 12
2020-01-16 12:28:06AJ_ImpyLlrychwednesSymwyrmSpeed test on the lava-swimming interloper2d6+4 7
2020-01-16 12:04:43RixicOzSymwyrmFear test2d6+5 13
2020-01-15 21:22:40FartbossBLUKBARF, the Garbage DragonSYMWYRMSpeed Test2d6+2 9
2020-01-15 09:26:25Jvie2FITESYMWYRMSolitude, Hoard2d6+29 35
2020-01-14 16:43:30vorebaneSeekSYMWYRMdominating a crebain!2d6 7
2020-01-14 15:41:07RaimentSpryggSymWyrmSpeed Test vs Green Thumb (TN: 15)2d6+5 8
2020-01-14 14:56:09AJ_ImpyLlrychwednesSymwyrmSpeed test with boost on the claw machine2d6+6 13
2020-01-14 12:57:23DogKisserNOHODSYMWYRMHoard Test2d6 10
2020-01-14 12:35:17RixicOzSymwyrmThrall rerolling 51d6 2
2020-01-14 12:21:49podimaGUYSYMWYRMBlack Lodge Fear Check2d6+3 7
2020-01-14 12:21:45charmsPOBBIFSYMWYRMRerolling 3...1d6 3
2020-01-14 12:20:41charmsPOBBIFSYMWYRMPower Test vs. Mooncalf2d6+3 11
2020-01-14 12:14:34thelordofhatsFlexingSymwyrmThrall Reroll (rerolling 2)1d6 3
2020-01-14 12:14:15Swedish ThaumocracyKhrSYMWYRMFear to Find something Fun2d6+1 11

Showing rolls 452 to 471 of 671 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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