Dice Roller

Campaign history for Symwyrm

Showing rolls 392 to 411 of 671 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2019-12-04 05:43:17WereGoatGolSYMWYRMFear Test? If other stat, adjust as necessary.2d6+3 7
2019-12-03 23:04:49RaimentSpryggSymWyrmSpeed Test vs Cunning (TN: 9) (RR: 1)1d6 4
2019-12-03 23:02:01RaimentSpryggSymWyrmSpeed Test vs Cunning (TN: 9)2d6+5 11
2019-12-03 19:40:02Jvie2FITESymwyrmSoggy Trotters, reroll that 41d6 2
2019-12-03 15:50:35Jvie2FITESymwyrmMuddshoare, Dominate (TN:7)2d6+5 15
2019-12-03 13:55:25vorebaneSeekSYMWYRMdominating cursed earth!2d6 5
2019-12-03 12:26:28TheanteroHODSYMWYRMSpeed Test - TN 122d6+6 14
2019-12-03 12:21:29Swedish ThaumocracyKhrSYMWYRMPower Test Vs Desolation2d6+1 6
2019-12-03 12:20:59AstusLANGGR the Lethargy DragonSYMWYRMFear vs Pest Control, take two2d6+3 14
2019-12-03 12:20:23DogKisserNOHODSYMWYRMWhat Does The Fox Say2d6+1 4
2019-12-03 12:10:27UnguidedChadronSymwyrmRaid! (Let's say power even though the stats are equal) vs 92d6+5 11
2019-12-03 10:09:10xiphopagusDragon MasterSymwyrmInstant Decoy!1d6 2
2019-12-03 10:08:45xiphopagusDragon MasterSymwyrmInitiative...1d6 6
2019-12-02 23:23:06WereGoatGolSYMWYRMRecharge breath1d6 1
2019-12-02 20:25:42FartbossBLUKBARF, the Garbage DragonSYMWYRMSpoil recharge1d6 6
2019-12-02 15:39:57vorebaneSeekSYMWYRMrecharging hallucibreath!1d6 5
2019-12-02 15:39:16vorebaneSeekSYMWYRMrecharging stinger!1d6 2
2019-12-02 15:38:00vorebaneSeekSYMWYRMrecharging augur!1d6 2
2019-12-02 14:26:05AstusLANGGR the Lethargy DragonSYMWYRM1 = Go for it, 2 = sleep1d2 2
2019-12-02 08:29:11RixicOzSymwyrmRecharge1d6 4

Showing rolls 392 to 411 of 671 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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