Dice Roller
Campaign history for TRAVELLER
Showing rolls 509 to 528 of 648 | top | next 20 | prev 20
Time | Roller | Character | Campaign | Description | Results |
2024-09-06 12:44:40 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Supplier Bids (B1-B, B2-B, B1-CIG, B2-CIG) | 4#3d6 10 15 6 16 |
2024-09-06 12:32:13 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Finding Purchasers (Borite) DC 8+ | 6#2d6+3 12 11 7 9 8 11 |
2024-09-06 12:16:40 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol -> Borite Mail Amount | 1d6 2 |
2024-09-06 12:15:16 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol -> Borite Mail Bid | 2d6+9 18 |
2024-09-06 12:12:39 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol -> Borite Mail Available Check | 2d6+2 11 |
2024-09-06 10:12:11 | kainesh | Cosmic Love | Traveller | Fortnite 9 - Asim to Drinax | 76d6 290 |
2024-09-06 09:29:32 | kainesh | Cosmic Love | Traveller | Fortnite 8 - Drinax to Asim | 76d6 264 |
2024-09-02 13:37:12 | kainesh | Cosmic Love | Traveller | Fortnite 7 - Asim to Drinax | 75d6 279 |
2024-09-02 13:25:27 | kainesh | Cosmic Love | Traveller | Fortnite 6 - Drinax to Asim | 75d6 257 |
2024-09-02 13:13:27 | kainesh | Cosmic Love | Traveller | Asim to Drinax Return Run | 75d6 251 |
2024-09-02 11:24:54 | kainesh | Cosmic Love | Traveller | Drinax to Asim Randomization | 59d6 219 |
2024-09-01 05:02:20 | samykkel2 | Eris | Traveller | Sensors + Int analyze camera info | 2d6+5 15 |
2024-09-01 05:00:05 | samykkel2 | Eris | Traveller | Initiative | 2d6+2 9 |
2024-08-21 10:35:23 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol: 4th Supplier | 16#2d6 10 10 9 7 7 2 9 8 9 2 8... |
2024-08-21 10:32:00 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol: 3rd Supplier | 16#2d6 7 4 6 4 11 7 11 9 11 5 5... |
2024-08-21 10:28:31 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol: 2nd Supplier | 16#2d6 6 2 8 9 6 10 11 5 4 6 8... |
2024-08-21 09:42:11 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol: 1st Supplier | 16#2d6 6 7 10 7 7 8 6 7 9 5 8... |
2024-08-21 09:33:02 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol: Finding Suppliers | 6#2d6 7 4 12 10 9 9 |
2024-08-21 09:09:29 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Torpol: Speculative Goods Amounts | 4d6+2d6+2d6+2d6+2d6+2d6+1d6+1d6+2d6+1d6+1d6+1d6+1d6+1d6+2d6+1d6 90 |
2024-08-21 08:54:49 | GothicRite | Limosa Lapponica | Traveller | Random Speculative Trade Goods | 2d6+2d6+2d6+2d6+2d6+2d6+2d6! 47 |