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Campaign history for That Which Sleeps

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 195 | top | next 20

2016-04-02 16:46:35epicuriusHadremorThat Which SleepsRecruiting abyssid scholar in Amon Qor/leery4dF+3 2
2016-04-02 16:43:00ShogetonOlufemi the PainterThat Which SleepsUncannily Create a Cult4dF+2 -1
2016-04-02 16:36:39TakanagoAhiramThat Which SleepsLeerily (+0) building a Lesser Horror (Tower) at Hiram's Landing (O:19.26). Difficulty: +04dF+0 1
2016-04-02 16:10:51YamifenrirHeralds of the Deepest KingdomThat which SleepsWeirdly Creating an Advantage4dF+2 2
2016-04-02 15:44:01Trollhawke8ShunThat Which SleepsAt hex 23.34, Shun will attempt to Uncannily discover rumours, using The Arch Traitor's gift4dF+4 6
2016-04-02 15:10:43YamifenrirMerrow #1That which SleepsAddendum roll because I suck horribly2dF 0
2016-04-02 15:08:24YamifenrirMerrow #1That which SleepsSubtly Recruiting a Cult (using Boost)2dF+4 6
2016-04-02 14:01:07TheanteroJacob (Mar'arr'nenkeshet's Agent)That which SleepsRestlessly Creating a Cult (with a Boost)4dF+5 5
2016-04-02 13:53:55Trollhawke8The Arch TraitorThat Which SleepsAt hex 23.34, The Arch Traitor shall create a Noddite Agent - Awfully. (Awful+3, Neutral approach bonus +1)4dF+4 6
2016-04-02 13:33:28ValhawkTignThat Which SleepsInvoking Whispers on the Wind to Recruit an Agent (Dreadful +3 & King of Kings +2). Difficulty: 04dF+5 6
2016-04-02 13:17:32paradoxicalGentlemanZarkaiThat Which SleepsKidnapping the Scavenger4dF+3 2
2016-04-02 11:55:17TheanteroMar'arr'nenkeshetThat which SleepsRestlessly Recruiting an Agent (free Harbinger invoke)4dF+3 4
2016-04-02 09:33:10YamifenrirAuluudhThat which SleepsWeirdly Recruiting some poor Merrow (using the free invoke)4dF+4 7
2016-04-02 05:32:23ShogetonMaenThat Which SleepsRecruit an Agent4dF+4 4
2016-03-16 12:29:10JuvenalianSatyrNarratorThat Which SleepsRandom Omen1d4 3

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 195 | top | next 20

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