Dice Roller

Campaign history for The Demon Lord's Command is

Showing rolls 1 to 9 of 9 | top

2022-07-23 18:30:21Cloud PotatoNoah SpellThe Demon Lord's Command IsAwaken an Ultimate Monster (w/ Warlock, Smarts, Bosses, Night Owl, Runescribe, Wand, Spell Knowledge)1d16+21d6 83
2022-07-23 13:29:55OperaMouseTrakk BlacktailThe Demon Lord's Command isATTACK BY SEA1d16+34d6 135
2022-06-19 15:32:23Cloud PotatoNoah SpellThe Demon Lord's Command IsHandle Harriet & Friends (w/ Warlock, Spellbook, Balance, Bosses, Night Owl, Dagger, Wand, Both Spells, Potion)1d16+24d6 82
2022-06-13 12:15:52OperaMouseTrakk BlacktailThe Demon Lord's Command isRepait the castle's traps1d16+18d6 81
2022-06-06 15:59:16Cloud PotatoNoah SpellThe Demon Lord's Command IsCrack the Seal (w/ Warlock, Spellbook, Bosses, Bitey, kids, Wand)1d14+11d6 47
2022-05-04 17:48:51Cloud PotatoNoah SpellThe Demon Lord's Command IsTeach Monster 'Children' (w/ spellbook, wand)1d12+2d6 19
2022-04-26 17:51:56Cloud PotatoNoah SpellThe Demon Lord's Command IsSort the Treasures (w/ Human knowledge of money)1d10+1d6 3
2022-04-21 16:20:06Cloud PotatoNoah SpellThe Demon Lord's Command IsChecking the archives1d8 2
2022-04-20 13:24:48Cloud PotatoNoah SpellThe Demon Lord's Command IsRepair Weapons with Mending cantrip2d6 4

Showing rolls 1 to 9 of 9 | top

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