Dice Roller

Campaign history for The Lost Barony

Showing rolls 18 to 37 of 77 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2019-01-14 14:49:42DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyLightning Bolt vs 103#1d10 8 4 2
2019-01-14 14:49:16DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyChanneling vs 651d100 4
2019-01-13 19:16:09TrickyCat Hogberry-PatchThe Lost BaronyArrows! (TN46 x2) [FP Rerolls]2#1d100 70 97
2019-01-13 19:15:41TrickyCat Hogberry-PatchThe Lost BaronyArrows! (TN46 x2)2#1d100 74 84
2019-01-13 18:10:29DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyLightning Bolt vs 103#1d10 5 1 3
2019-01-13 18:09:24DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyChanneling vs 751d100 98
2019-01-10 20:59:06DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyCurse vs 163d10+1 15
2019-01-10 20:57:45DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyChanneling vs 651d100 40
2019-01-09 08:59:01DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyLightning Bolt Damage1d10+5 14
2019-01-09 08:58:04DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyLightning Bolt vs 103#1d10 1 2 7
2019-01-09 08:56:17DachshundofdoomLilianaThe Lost BaronyChanneling vs 651d100 74
2019-01-08 21:24:40TrickyCat Hogberry-PatchThe Lost BaronyDamage2#1d10+4 5 5
2019-01-08 21:22:10TrickyCat Hogberry-PatchThe Lost BaronyDouble Arrows! (TN66)2#1d100 18 24
2018-11-28 23:30:20DachshundofdoomThe Lost BaronyMagic Dart Damage1d10+3 7
2018-11-28 23:28:58DachshundofdoomThe Lost BaronyMagic Dart vs 61+2#1d10 5 4 9
2018-11-28 23:27:35DachshundofdoomThe Lost BaronyChanneling vs 651d100 77
2018-11-18 00:08:35DachshundofdoomThe Lost BaronyMagic Dart Damage1d10+3 7
2018-11-18 00:03:23DachshundofdoomThe Lost BaronyMagic Missile vs 62#1d10+1 11 3
2018-11-18 00:01:24DachshundofdoomThe Lost BaronyChanneling vs 651d100 11
2018-10-03 17:20:00DachshundofdoomThe Lost BaronyMarsh Lights vs 62#1d10 7 5

Showing rolls 18 to 37 of 77 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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