Dice Roller

Campaign history for The Squirrel King

Showing rolls 1 to 6 of 6 | top

2023-10-15 10:18:06Swedish ThaumocracyThaumocrates - YoabThe Squirrel KingThrow the snuls-snack at the interloper!1d10 10
2023-10-15 08:27:31AJ_ImpyYoabThe Squirrel KingCanis ex Machina!1d10 8
2023-10-14 15:02:11AJ_ImpyYoabThe Squirrel KingIntroduce him to the audience as someone they're guaranteed to boo1d10 3
2023-10-14 09:28:58AJ_ImpyYoabThe Squirrel KingSurreptitiously leave the crown on Nomimi's head!1d10 5
2023-10-13 16:53:31Swedish ThaumocracyThaumocrates - YoabThe Squirrel KingPratfall!1d10 4
2023-10-13 16:35:43AJ_ImpyYoabThe Squirrel KingBalance and signal!1d10 4

Showing rolls 1 to 6 of 6 | top

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