Dice Roller

Campaign history for To The Strongest

Showing rolls 47 to 66 of 86 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-03-12 03:47:44Hardwire99StrifeTo The StrongestLook for hidden doors5d10h8 0
2017-03-12 03:44:10Hardwire99StrifeTo The StrongestQuantum Flux6d10h8 3
2017-03-09 13:01:09WolandUnboundTo the StrongestIncognito Presence8d10h8 2
2017-03-09 12:38:18WolandUnboundTo the StrongestFate Mystery - Mind Arcanum2d10h8 0
2017-03-09 12:25:43WolandUnboundTo the StrongestAugment Mind - Khvarenah6d10h8 4
2017-03-09 12:24:51WolandUnboundTo the StrongestEnhance Skill - Khvarenah6d10h8 2
2017-03-09 01:17:58Hardwire99StifeTo The StrongestFate Mystery2d10h8 0
2017-03-07 13:20:53Hardwire99StrikeTo The StrongestInt+Med roll5d10h8 1
2017-03-06 00:51:09WolandUnboundTo the StrongestEnhance Skill6d10h8 3
2017-03-06 00:48:57WolandUnboundTo the StrongestAugment Mind6d10h8 3
2017-03-04 10:10:34ExthalionKhvarenahTo The StrongestCorrespondance14d10h8 8
2017-03-04 10:05:53ExthalionKhvarenahTo The StrongestCorrespondance15d10h8 4
2017-02-27 10:03:17WolandUnboundTo the StrongestManipulation+Empathy7d10h8 3
2017-02-26 11:46:59TambovImhotepTo the StrongestGoading Asyut to accept6d10h8 3
2017-02-26 01:44:35Hardwire99StrifeTo The StrongestInterconnections8d10h8 4
2017-02-26 01:14:57Hardwire99StrifeTo The StrongestSurreptitiously Record Momentary Name8d10h8 2
2017-02-26 00:47:11Hardwire99StrifeTo The StrongestOpen Door4d10h8 0
2017-02-25 00:37:16ExthalionKhvarenahTo The StrongestExceptional Luck for Conditions12d10o8h8 3
2017-02-25 00:35:52ExthalionKhvarenahTo The StrongestExceptional Luck for next casting9d10h8 4
2017-02-24 11:06:57ExthalionKhvarenahTo The StrongestFast Talk the Priests2d10h8 0

Showing rolls 47 to 66 of 86 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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