Dice Roller

Campaign history for Village heroes

Showing rolls 145 to 164 of 184 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-01-23 14:46:56Tellerian HawkeGregor MurometsVillage HeroesCharacter Stats6#4d6r1 22 16 19 14 16 16
2017-01-20 19:56:48UnkaJoshRuna WolfhunterVillage HeroesPerception; Stealth1d20+7 12 1d20+10 27
2017-01-19 16:59:03UnkaJoshRuna WolfhunterVillage HeroesBFCROSSBOOOOOOOWWWW! vs Touch AC.1d20+5 22 1d20+5 22
2017-01-19 13:54:47MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroesexploding trogs unpredictably WHEEEEE!1d4#1d6 1 3 1d4#1d6 5 4
2017-01-19 13:51:54MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroestouch attacking trogs with explosive bolts WHEEEEE!1d20+4 15 1d20+4 11
2017-01-17 19:56:55UnkaJoshRuna WolfhunterVillage HeroesCrossbow! Twice!1d20+8 13 1d10+1 6 1d20+8 19 1d10+1 10
2017-01-17 19:53:59UnkaJoshRuna WolfhunterVillage HeroesInit1d20+5 19
2017-01-17 18:20:58MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroesthird attack against the trogs1d20+5 15 1d8+3 10
2017-01-17 18:20:23MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroesanother attack against the trogs1d20+5 24 1d8+3 7
2017-01-17 18:17:39MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroesinitiative and attack on the trogs1d20+2 14 1d20+5 13 1d8+3 5
2017-01-17 13:09:33MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroeswill saves to resist peeking1d20+8 25 1d20+8 25
2017-01-16 12:28:29UnkaJoshRuna WolfhunterVillage HeroesFreaking WILL SAVES1d20+3 21 1d20+3 20
2017-01-14 17:19:02UnkaJoshRuna WolfhunterVillage HeroesSharp Shot1d20+8 14 1d10+1 8
2017-01-14 11:49:16MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroeshitting the tin wizard again1d20+5 11 1d8+3 5
2017-01-14 11:45:57MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroeswill save against the toy wizard1d20+8 12
2017-01-13 21:36:52MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroesinitiative1d20+2 3
2017-01-13 21:32:32MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage HeroesFort save against more cold1d20+8 13
2017-01-13 21:19:01MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroeslay on hands1d6 5
2017-01-13 21:17:00MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroesholy damage on tin wizard1d6 2
2017-01-13 21:14:52MaxAlita BlackwoodVillage Heroescharge the tin wizard1d20+7 20 1d8+3 10

Showing rolls 145 to 164 of 184 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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