Dice Roller

Campaign history for Way of the Wicked

Showing rolls 894 to 913 of 913 | top | prev 20

2019-04-25 10:28:27IxeIxeWay Of The WickedGather Information1d20+2 16
2018-12-04 03:58:07IxeJervisWay of the WickedJervis - Initiative1d20+2 18
2018-12-04 03:51:00IxeIxeWay of the WickedIxe - Initiative1d20 13
2018-11-05 15:33:13IxeJervisWay of the WickedSleight of Hand (for hand of the mage)1d20+5 8
2018-11-05 15:31:00IxeIxeWay of the WickedAid Another [Sleight of Hand]1d20+3 21
2018-11-05 15:28:54IxeIxeWay of the WickedPersuasion check - haggling with gnome1d20+2 13
2018-09-17 11:26:50IxeIxeWay of the WickedGather Information - Aldencross1d20+2 6
2018-06-20 04:37:17IxeJervisWay of the WickedPerception (searching for the gold)1d20+5 19
2018-06-17 11:04:59IxeIxeWay of the WickedSense Motive vs. Sakkarot1d20-1 14
2018-06-17 10:55:59IxeIxeWay of the WickedSense Motive vs. bugbears1d20-1 12
2018-06-11 08:42:40ShogetonEgina AduzWay of the WickedKitchen Perception Roll1d20-1 13
2018-06-06 18:37:29ShogetonEgina AduzWay of the WickedVillain point added d41d4 2
2018-06-06 17:56:27WoleryNiashéWay of the WickedDeception1d20+7 16
2018-06-06 17:54:26ShogetonEgina AduzWay of the WickedDeceive (VP reroll)1d20+6 8
2018-06-06 17:51:41ShogetonEgina AduzWay of the WickedDeceive Halstan1d20+6 7
2018-05-30 14:35:23IxeIxeWay of the WickedKnowledge(planes)1d20+6 24
2018-05-24 11:03:14IxeJervisWay of the WickedAid Another1d20+5 24
2018-05-24 10:59:24IxeIxeWay of the WickedConcentration check1d20+4 15
2018-03-18 18:38:41IxeJervisWay of the WickedSleight of Hand vs. Ilnesh1d20+3 15
2018-03-07 20:23:31IxeIxeWay of the WickedCraft(Inscription) - ink for spellbook "pyrotechnics"1d20+6 15

Showing rolls 894 to 913 of 913 | top | prev 20

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