Dice Roller

Campaign history for Witchfire Trilogy

Showing rolls 44 to 63 of 123 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2014-07-30 20:31:03GrimmbladeMounted ThrallWitchfire TrilogyInitiative2d6+14 25
2014-07-30 08:55:39Captain AwesomeDrago RadazarWitchfire TrilogyRoll to break free1d6 2
2014-07-29 05:03:16Captain AwesomeDrago RadazarWitchfire TrilogyUpkeep1d6 5
2014-07-28 22:41:49GrimmbladeAlexiaWitchfire TrilogyTwo boosted magic attack rolls; first targets Drago, second targets Patch2#3d6+5 15 17
2014-07-17 19:29:32CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyAGL roll2d6+5 15
2014-07-13 08:15:43CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyDetection roll2d6+4 7
2014-06-04 03:18:13CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyBoosted SPD roll3d6+12 22
2014-06-03 14:12:19CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyBoosted SPD roll:3d6+12 21
2014-06-02 20:41:31CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyBoosted SPD roll3d6+12 21
2014-06-01 21:07:22CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyBoosted Deception (PER)3d6+5 19
2014-05-27 16:34:19CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyIntimidation (PER)2d6+4 8
2014-05-27 16:33:05CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyIntimidation (INT)3d6+4 12
2014-05-27 16:18:31CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyAlchemy3d6+6 11
2014-05-07 14:42:02CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyMedicine and Alchemy2#3d6+6 14 18
2014-05-06 17:45:11JacobtheAussieGrindarWitchfire Trilogy2nd round vs Squid2#9+2d6 15 16
2014-05-06 17:42:00JacobtheAussieGrindarWitchfire Trilogy2nd round vs Squid2#8+2d6 15 11
2014-05-06 14:35:25CelestraLiHalanPatchWitchfire TrilogyMedicine3d6+7 15
2014-05-06 10:43:59GrimmbladeThrallsWitchfire TrilogyThree Greatsword attacks against Kuluk- attack, then damage, then branch3#2d6+6 17 17 14 3#2d6+12 22 21 20 3#1d6 3 5 4
2014-05-06 10:15:45GrimmbladeTiebreakerWitchfire TrilogyCoin flip- 1, the thralls go before Kuluk; 2, Kuluk goes first.1d2 2
2014-05-05 22:01:32GrimmbladeSwamp SquidWitchfire TrilogyThree tentacle attacks and one beak attack- two tentacles on Mirabelle, the rest on Grindar.4#2d6+5 15 15 10 12 3#2d6+12 21 18 14 2d6+16 25 4#1d6...

Showing rolls 44 to 63 of 123 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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