Dice Roller

Campaign history for above/below

Showing rolls 58 to 77 of 117 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2018-03-30 09:10:04vorebaneCalarAbove/BelowEmpowering the calarite captive of Rav as the Calarite, to misdirect and fool his captives.1d20 19
2018-03-22 16:45:39Jvie2Above/BelowHorrusk Luck, 1 = HP theft recharge.1d5 5
2018-03-20 09:55:34vorebaneCalarAbove/BelowCreating a philosophy of resistance to oppression, and integrity of mind1d20 5
2018-03-18 00:17:07FartbossVicAbove/BelowLet's get some Villains up in here1d20 16
2018-03-13 23:07:48vorebaneCalarAbove/BelowCreating the discipline of revelation of the selves of others!1d20 14
2018-03-12 21:59:28FartbossVicAbove/BelowOperation Jewelass1d20 3
2018-03-09 21:30:51FartbossVicAbove/BelowCurse of the Laughable Track1d20 5
2018-03-09 17:44:22vorebaneCalarAbove/BelowA storm of molten brass seeking the first realm of the Gemego1d20 11
2018-02-23 06:41:06Cloud PotatoEgg, God of EggsAbove/BelowRolling to be a god!1d100+6 51
2018-02-23 02:28:05Theanteroyet to be determinedAbove/BelowRoll of Engoddification1d100+4-10 54
2018-02-23 01:37:49FartbossVicAbove/BelowManifest1d100+5 95
2018-02-23 00:39:21vorebaneUnknownAbove/BelowEmgodden1d100 90
2018-02-22 18:32:22SlaanSABlooooop, Diety of GooAbove/BelowWill it get in?1d100+8 50
2018-02-22 18:13:48thelordofhatsHatsAbove/BelowGodroll!1d100+6-10 18
2018-02-22 17:56:14DogKisserMr. God Man With No Name CurrentlyAbove/BelowIncarnation1d100+7 50
2018-02-18 16:11:23Jvie2Above/BelowSpecrealism, second event1d5 3
2018-02-18 16:10:04Jvie2Above/BelowSpecrealism1d5 2
2018-02-06 16:58:26Jvie2Above/BelowSpecrealism1d5 2
2018-01-30 11:49:58Jvie2Above/BelowMind roll, 1 is bad1d5 5
2018-01-23 16:27:20JossarFake God Roll - Era 3Above/BelowYeah, like this would really work...1d100 26

Showing rolls 58 to 77 of 117 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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