Dice Roller

Campaign history for gIV Malazan Empire Eclipse

Showing rolls 26 to 45 of 185 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-10-30 15:44:23gnawTappergIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t5 Tapper discovery from 315. 28 available1#1d28 6
2013-10-30 10:47:28gnawD'rekgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t5 D'rek explore Tier 3 NW from Beta Lyrae. 2 tiles available1#1d2 1
2013-10-30 10:39:52gnawTappergIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t5 Tapper explore tier III SE from Iota Corinae 3 tiles available1#1d3 3
2013-10-30 10:30:32gnawCerveza FiestagIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t5 CF explore tier III SE from Procyon 4 tiles available1#1d4 2
2013-10-29 18:00:51gnawGnawgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 re-roll Gnaw discovery from 323 29 available1#1d29 28
2013-10-29 17:08:38gnawTappergIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 Tapper discovery from 316 30 available1#1d30 8
2013-10-29 12:04:16gnawGnawgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 Gnaw discovery from 323 30 available1#1d30 10
2013-10-29 11:46:16gnawTwelvegIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 Twelve explore Tier III south of 391. 6 tiles available1#1d6 5
2013-10-29 11:40:08gnawGnawgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 Gnaw explore Tier III northwest of homeworld 8 tiles available1#1d8 5 1#1d7 3
2013-10-29 10:53:03gnawTattsgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 Tatts explore Tier III north of homeworld 9 tiles available1#1d9 2
2013-10-29 10:41:00gnawD'rekgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 D'rek explore Tier III north of geminga 10 tiles available1#1d10 8
2013-10-29 09:26:45gnawTappergIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 Tapper explore Tier III NE of homeworld. 11 tiles available1#1d11 3
2013-10-29 00:48:48gnawMorgothgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 Morgoth explore Tier III NE of homeworld. 12 tiles available1#1d12 10
2013-10-28 15:36:48gnawIHgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t4 IH explore Tier I. 3 tiles available1#1d3 1
2013-10-28 13:43:38gnawTwelvegIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t3 Twelve explore Tier III NW of homeworld. 13 tiles available1#1d13 9
2013-10-28 13:24:26gnawTattsgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1t3 Tatts Tier III discovery tile 31 available1#1d31 19
2013-10-28 13:10:15gnawGnawgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1 t3 Gnaw double explore Tier III N of homeworld. 15 tiles available1#1d15 10 1#1d14 2
2013-10-28 12:11:55gnawTattsgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1t3 Tatts Tier 3 explore. NW from Mu Herculis 16 tiles available1#1d16 13
2013-10-28 12:06:13gnawD'rekgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1t3 D'rek Tier 3 explore. N from Geminga 17 tiles available1#1d17 8
2013-10-28 11:40:19gnawKhellgIV Malazan Empire Eclipser1t3 Khell Tier 3 explore. NE from 324 18 tiles available Results1#1d18 10

Showing rolls 26 to 45 of 185 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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