Dice Roller

Campaign history for great Bastards

Showing rolls 16002 to 16021 of 16141 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2024-07-09 10:54:57totemforsaleThaddeus LevalleGreat BastardsA Vintage Event-Rumor Roll from Secrets9#1d57 13 7 31 32 46 27 28 3 10
2024-07-09 10:48:31totemforsaleThaddeus LevalleGreat BastardsA Vintage Event-20 Secrets pt26d6 21
2024-07-09 10:47:27totemforsaleThaddeus LevalleGreat BastardsA Vintage Event-20 Secrets pt12#7d6 24 18
2024-07-07 14:39:57ZorbeltussweatherGreat BastardsDirection7#2d6 9 7 4 11 9 9 6
2024-07-07 14:17:08ZorbeltussweatherGreat BastardsDirection10#2d6 8 6 10 8 4 4 11 7 2 2
2024-07-07 14:09:02ZorbeltussweatherGreat BastardsDirection10#2d6 9 7 4 6 8 8 6 4 5 10
2024-07-02 13:19:24ZorbeltussNorcrossesGreat BastardsSon x10, Daughter x8, brother x4, bastard x2, complicated roll again x61d20 8 1d14 6
2024-03-23 13:00:46ZorbeltussAubrey AmbroseGreat BastardsManuever+Attack vs Roland2#9d6k5+3 25 28
2024-03-11 19:06:19kenasDaeron WildfyreGreat BastardsAppleton Melee-Attacking Roland10d6k5-1 22
2024-03-11 18:45:27kenasDaeron WildfyreGreat BastardsAppleton Melee-Inter-round CYB6d6k4-2 17
2024-02-23 11:49:41Roland HiteRoland CordwaynerGreat BastardsSemi final opponent 1 Damon 2 Robb reyne 3 Robyn1d3 1
2024-02-23 10:18:21ZorbeltussMarq DurwellGreat Bastards5-ND3EF7d6k4+7 22 6d6k4+1 16 4d6 21
2024-02-23 10:11:44ZorbeltussMarq DurwellGreat Bastards4-N3D7d6k4+5 24 6d6k4+1 19 4d6 16
2024-02-23 10:09:16ZorbeltussMarq DurwellGreat Bastards3-ND3EF7d6k4+7 26 6d6k4+1 17 4d6 7
2024-02-23 10:06:59ZorbeltussMarq DurwellGreat Bastards2-ND37d6k4+5 22 6d6k4+1 12 4d6 23
2024-02-23 06:27:04Roland HiteRoland CordwaynerGreat BastardsAim+Attack Daeron11d6k5+3 28
2024-02-23 06:09:23Roland HiteRoland CordwaynerGreat BastardsFree initative - never outnumbered TN 125d6 15
2024-02-23 05:53:53Roland HiteRoland CordwaynerGreat Bastards8 HS, EF, N P2-8 Jousting rolls to speed through Durwell joust! (Drop EF some rounds to avoid injuries ex Tough)8#8d6k4+10 24 31 26 30 30 26 30 29 8#6d6k4+1 15 18...
2024-02-23 05:33:37Roland HiteRoland CordwaynerGreat BastardsMissing d6 initiative1d6 6
2024-02-22 06:18:10ZorbeltussAubrey AmbroseGreat BastardsAubrey iniative+CyB6d6k4-2 15 4d6 13

Showing rolls 16002 to 16021 of 16141 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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