Dice Roller

Campaign history for marvel noir

Showing rolls 17 to 36 of 56 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-07-16 13:46:31Grunt's GhostsToadMarvel NoirReaction against Lucas Cage (Team d10, Cunning d8, Leaping d10, Acrobatics Master d10)3#1d10 6 4 9 1#1d8 2
2013-07-10 13:19:47Grunt's GhostsDOOM POOLMarvel NoirRolling against Lucas's Cops! On location... Assist2#1d6 3 3
2013-06-26 15:34:47Grunt's GhostsDOOM POOLMarvel NoirRolling against Healing1#1d6 2 1#1d8 6 2#1d12 1 8
2013-06-26 15:32:55Grunt's GhostsIronfistMarvel NoirAdding Mystic Expert d81d8 1
2013-06-26 15:08:35Buddha73Iron Fistmarvel noirChi Healing on Gambit1#2d8 10 1#1d6 2
2013-06-25 13:21:48Grunt's GhostsTombstoneMarvel NoirReaction against Lucas Cage1#1d10 4 3#1d8 3 4 8
2013-06-23 11:29:05Grunt's GhostsTombstoneMarvel NoirReaction against Ironfist1#1d10 5 3#1d8 5 1 5
2013-06-22 17:37:53Buddha73Iron FistMarvel NoirMystic Attack against Tombstone3#1d8 1 5 4 1#1d6 2
2013-06-19 07:14:41Mikey CTSRogueMarvel Noir1d10 Solo, 1d8 Sense of Responsibility, 2d10 Weapon, 1d8 Combat3#1d10 10 5 9 2#1d8 3 4
2013-06-18 13:03:48Buddha73Iron FistMarvel Noirreact to tombstone3#1d8 7 6 5 1#1d10 8
2013-06-18 06:57:07Grunt's GhostsTombstoneMarvel NoirGrabbing Ironfist and Throwing him (Solo d8, Brutal Enforcer d8, Superhuman Strength 2d10 with Pulverizer, Combat Master d10)2#1d8 8 4 3#1d10 6 1 2
2013-06-17 21:34:11Buddha73Iron Fistmarvel noirtaking on tombstone1d6 3 2d8 8 1d10 6
2013-06-17 20:11:45Grunt's GhostsThugs outside the Black CatMarvel NoirReaction against Dr. Strange7#1d8 1 4 7 1 4 5 2 1#1d4 2
2013-06-16 13:09:47Grunt's GhostsThugs outside the Black CatMarvel NoirReaction against Lucas Cage (7d8, Ain't Paid Enough for This Shit d4)7#1d8 3 5 5 1 2 7 2 1#1d4 2
2013-06-15 10:05:57Grunt's GhostsLucas CageMarvel NoirExtra 3d6 for Area Attack3d6 7
2013-06-14 15:36:03Grunt's GhostsRandom ThugMarvel NoirReaction against Rogue (Solo d8, Ain't Paid Enough For This d4, Combat Novice d6)1#1d8 3 1#1d4 1 1#1d6 2
2013-06-14 15:30:18Grunt's GhostsThug outside the Black CatMarvel NoirReaction against Rogue (Team 7d8, Ain't Paid Enough For This d4)7#1d8 7 3 6 2 5 7 5 1#1d4 4
2013-06-14 11:29:01Mikey CTSRogueMarvel NoirSolo d10, Sense of Responsibility d8, Weapon 2d10, Combat Expert d83#1d10 5 3 8 2#1d8 3 5
2013-06-13 12:41:50Grunt's GhostsDOOM POOLMarvel NoirDOOOOOOMMMMM Pool against Colossus (3d8, 2d10, 1d12)3#1d8 3 5 7 2#1d10 6 8 1#1d12 1
2013-06-11 09:54:41Grunt's GhostsBullseyeMarvel NoirForgot a roll1d10 7

Showing rolls 17 to 36 of 56 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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