Dice Roller

Campaign history for mystery of the lost

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 115 | top | next 20

2014-01-20 14:09:11WyldkardFarrow Brigand 5Mystery of the LostMyron Spiral1d6 1
2014-01-20 14:08:19WyldkardFarrow Brigand 5Mystery of the LostDamage on Myron2d6+11 21
2014-01-20 14:07:50WyldkardFarrow Brigand 5Mystery of the LostAimed Ranged attack on Myron2d6+7 15
2014-01-20 14:04:36WyldkardFarrow Brigand 4Mystery of the LostBazle Spiral1d6 1
2014-01-20 14:03:52WyldkardFarrow Brigand 4Mystery of the LostDamage on Bazle2d6+11 19
2014-01-20 14:03:11WyldkardFarrow Brigand 4Mystery of the LostAimed Ranged attack on Bazle2d6+7 13
2014-01-20 14:02:30WyldkardFarrow Brigand 2Mystery of the LostAimed Ranged attack on Bazle2d6+7 11
2014-01-19 17:18:57WyldkardSlaughterhouserMystery of the LostTough1d6 5
2014-01-19 15:55:29OddyseanBazle aldunemystery of the lostDamage roll2d6+10 22
2014-01-19 15:51:00Oddyseanbazle aldunemystery of the lostAttack roll2d6+5 14
2014-01-19 13:34:57Oddyseanbazle aldunemystery of the lostinitative2d6+14 20
2014-01-19 12:50:28WyldkardBad GuysMystery of the LostFarrow Initative2d6+10 20
2014-01-19 11:51:51OddyseanBazle alduneMystery of the lostDetection2d6+6 17
2014-01-19 10:39:28Zelot # 87Tuluk IronsideMystery of the LostDetection2d6+4 9
2014-01-18 22:44:36MyroeshMyronMystery of the LostDriving skill check2#2d6+3 10 13

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 115 | top | next 20

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