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Campaign history for reavers of the rim

Showing rolls 84 to 103 of 283 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2022-02-06 05:30:21angilleMaggieReavers of the Rimjust-in-case hero die1d10 8
2022-02-06 05:20:51angilleMaggieReavers of the Rimropin' up pirates1d10 2 1d10 7 1d8 1 1d8 5 1d8 7
2022-02-05 12:39:45atlictoatl2MoodyReavers of the Rim1d8 Physical + 1d8 Things Just Don't Go Smooth For Ya + 1d10 Trick + 1d6 Distractions1d8 3 1d8 1 1d10 10 1d6 5
2022-02-05 12:36:14PottedPlantAmberReavers of the RimSocial+Fight+Temper1d6 4 1d10 10 1d8 5
2022-02-05 12:29:45atlictoatl2MoodyReavers of the RimMove 1d101d10 4
2022-01-18 23:20:25camk4evrMike ConstatineReavers of the Rimtry to get somthin from sensors2d8 9 1d6 3
2022-01-06 23:21:45camk4evrMike ConstatineReavers of the Rimgetting rid of nukes1d10 3 1d12 10 1d8 6
2022-01-06 02:52:41angilleMaggieReavers of the Rimlending Throw1d10 2
2021-12-22 22:58:25camk4evrMike ConstatineReavers of the Rimtry to get somthin from sensors1d8 2 1d8 3 1d6 2
2021-12-16 12:47:39PottedPlantAmberReavers of the RimMental+Treat+Medical Student+Core Medical Scanner1d10 4 1d10 6 1d8 3 1d8 3
2021-12-09 12:08:21PottedPlantAmberReavers of the Rimd8 Hero Dice1d8 5
2021-12-09 11:56:15PottedPlantAmberReavers of the RimMental+Operate+Temper1d10+1d8+1d8 11
2021-12-08 22:10:53angilleMaggieReavers of the Rimgrab some scrubbers1d10 2 1d8 4 1d8 8 1d8 7
2021-12-08 07:32:31PottedPlantAmberReavers of the RimMental+Fix+Temper1d10 10 1d8 1 1d8 8
2021-12-07 23:33:30camk4evrMike ConstatineReavers of the Rimlend operate1d6 1
2021-12-04 01:43:30camk4evrMike ConstatineReavers of the Rimcotrol ship1d10 7 1d12 1 1d8 7
2021-12-03 23:10:14squidheadjaxGillian KearneReavers of the Rimlend move1d8 3
2021-12-03 03:14:20angilleMaggieReavers of the Rimjust-in-case hero die1d10 4
2021-12-03 02:49:31angilleMaggieReavers of the Rimstay in one piece1d10 3 1d10 7 1d8 4 1d8 3
2021-12-02 11:47:54PottedPlantAmberReavers of the Rimphysical+Operate+Wet behind the ears3#1d8 8 1 8

Showing rolls 84 to 103 of 283 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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