Dice Roller
Roll history for Alex Tyler
Showing rolls 26 to 45 of 105 | top | next 20 | prev 20
Time | Character | Campaign | Description | Results |
2021-10-30 09:20:14 | ktoÅ› | Upadek1 | inicjatywa | 1d20+9 16 |
2021-10-30 09:17:39 | Dae | Upadek1 | inicjatywa | 1d20+7 8 |
2021-10-30 09:15:51 | Guard dogs | Upadek1 | inicjatywa | 1d20+6 17 |
2021-10-14 06:55:25 | Meliel | Upadek1 | obrażenia - spadające gruzy | 3d6 10 |
2021-10-12 10:58:06 | Meliel | Upadek1 | Thievery | 1d20+7 27 |
2021-10-12 10:50:56 | Meliel | Upadek1 | Minor Healing Potion - uleczone HP | 1d8 6 |
2021-10-09 03:10:50 | Lavena Da'naei | Dolina Lodowego Wichru - Zakrzepłe Serca | Targowanie - Perswazja | 1d20+5 13 |
2021-10-07 13:01:18 | Rita | Zaginione Miasto | morale | 3d20 28 |
2021-10-07 02:55:31 | Dae | Upadek1 | treat wounds - Meliel; HP | 2d8 6 |
2021-10-07 02:28:27 | Dae | Upadek1 | check: treat wounds - Meliel | 1d20+7 21 |
2021-10-06 11:06:54 | SPEAR LAUNCHER | Upadek1 | obrażenia | 2d6+6 16 |
2021-10-06 11:06:00 | SPEAR LAUNCHER | Upadek1 | atak vs 18 AC Meliela | 1d20+14 25 |
2021-10-03 09:53:02 | Rita | Zaginione Miasto | Wypatrywanie | 3d20 16 |
2021-09-25 07:37:44 | Kallel | Upadek1 | Zastraszanie | 1d20+4 20 |
2021-09-07 09:36:36 | Dae | Upadek1 | diplomacy - uspokojenie Snikita | 1d20+6 7 |
2021-09-07 08:35:00 | Marie Léandre | [Warsztaty OW] Vivere Militare Est | Battle Event 3 - Manewr | 1d100 73 |
2021-09-07 08:34:30 | Marie Léandre | [Warsztaty OW] Vivere Militare Est | Battle Event 3 - Awareness | 1d100 15 |
2021-09-07 08:33:17 | Marie Léandre | [Warsztaty OW] Vivere Militare Est | Battle Event 2 - Manewr | 1d100 52 |
2021-09-07 08:31:48 | Marie Léandre | [Warsztaty OW] Vivere Militare Est | Battle Event 2 - Awareness | 1d100 42 |
2021-09-07 08:30:30 | Marie Léandre | [Warsztaty OW] Vivere Militare Est | Battle Event 2 - Awareness | 1d100 55 |