Dice Roller

Roll history for Antarctic Termite

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 12 | top

2014-02-20 03:24:15GeckleRhoneDamage dealt1d6 3
2014-02-20 03:18:53GeckleRhoneAttacking the magical zombie (Melee)2d6 10
2014-02-20 03:11:06GeckleRhoneRetrieving weapon2d6+2 10
2014-02-20 02:38:22GeckleRhoneSpear damage1d6 4
2014-02-20 02:33:57GeckleRhoneWisdom roll2d6+2 9
2014-02-20 01:58:37GeckleRhoneThrowing a spear at magical zombie2d6+2 11
2014-02-04 01:38:19GeckleRhoneTalkin' to the birds and the bees.2d6-1 11
2014-02-04 00:41:53GeckleRhoneIntelligence check2d6+1 7
2014-01-28 20:43:37GeckleRhoneBecoming a horse on the way2d6 11
2014-01-28 20:34:48GeckleRhoneExamining the palace exterior2d6+1 5
2014-01-23 19:22:15GeckleRhoneAvoiding a dog2d6+2 9
2014-01-19 04:55:22GeckleRhoneWhat locations make appealing targets for goblins?2d6+1 8

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 12 | top

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