Dice Roller

Roll history for BlankC

Showing rolls 122 to 141 of 201 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2013-11-07 03:47:18MotThe Iron OrcsDiplomacy let1d20+11 14
2013-11-07 03:42:271d20 15
2013-11-07 03:42:061d20 2
2013-10-03 01:49:31Michelle DelacroixFate Accelerated the Starry NightCreating advantage: Biker Chique4dF+2 3
2013-10-03 01:48:28got a bad feeling4dF -1
2013-09-22 19:02:37Michelle DelacroixFate Accelerated the Starry NightDragging Claire out4dF+1 2
2013-09-15 00:32:25Michelle DelacroixFate Accelerated the Starry NightScrew you Krysmbot4dF+2 1
2013-09-15 00:03:57Michelle DelacroixFate Accelerated the Starry NightWhat if I used this instead of Krysmbot4dF+2 3
2013-09-10 06:00:03Michelle DelacroixFate Accelerated the Starry NightA SPEEDY PUNCH IN THE FACE4dF+3 5
2013-07-29 01:57:49Yeti VampireGW SANTAGear rolls2#1d6+1d20 3 20
2013-07-29 01:56:28Yeti VampireGW SANTArandom gear1d4+1 2
2013-07-29 01:49:44Yeti VampireGamma World SANTAskills1d10 1
2013-07-29 01:40:50Yeti VampireGamma World Santaability score rolls4#3d6 6 13 6 16
2013-07-29 01:36:50Gamma world SANTAorigin rolls1d8+1d20 28
2013-07-29 01:28:53Gamma World S.A.N.T.A2#1d12 11 3
2013-07-10 10:30:12Hank SummersECKnightsInitiative1d20+2 21
2013-07-10 09:55:01Jasper KingPersona: The Best and the CoolestWill roll4dF+4 4
2013-07-05 07:04:09Jasper KingPersona: The Best and the CoolestInterview with Bill Murray4dF+3 4
2013-06-26 09:30:39Jasper KingPersona: The Best and the CoolestRapport: Interview with Bill Murray4dF+3 4
2013-06-24 22:31:58Jasper KingPersona: The Best and The CoolestRapport: Questioning Bill Murray4dF+3 5

Showing rolls 122 to 141 of 201 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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