Dice Roller

Roll history for BrickyardBabe

Showing rolls 90 to 109 of 149 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2019-07-15 14:07:53OdetteNeon and GlassResist Lodestar’s last break14d6t5 6
2019-07-15 12:27:30OdetteNeon and GlassLast Round initiative23+2d6 27
2019-07-14 22:50:09OdetteNeon and GlassResist Lodestar's Breakaway (For giggles)14d6t5 4
2019-07-14 16:53:29OdetteNeon and GlassTarislar Break!16d6t5 7
2019-07-14 16:51:15OdetteNeon and GlassEmerald City Drift14d6t5 4
2019-07-14 16:50:44OdetteNeon and GlassDrifting14d6t5 5
2019-07-14 16:49:24OdetteNeon and GlassInit for R5 with edge22+5d6 34
2019-07-14 07:58:28OdetteNeon and GlassNot Crashing!14d6t5 6
2019-07-14 07:54:58OdetteNeon and GlassCatch-up/breakaway (Resisting)14d6t5 2
2019-07-14 07:53:09OdetteNeon and GlassCatch-up/breakaway14d6t5 6
2019-07-12 18:11:17OdetteNeon and GlassRace r4 initiative23+2d6 27
2019-07-12 09:46:25OdetteNeon and GlassOpposed to catch Lodestar with an insane stunt!14d6t5 5
2019-07-12 09:45:29OdetteNeon and GlassOpposed to break away from Lodestar14d6t5 4
2019-07-12 09:45:04OdetteNeon and GlassOpposed to catch Lodestar14d6t5 4
2019-07-11 09:03:34OdetteNeon and GlassCatch-up/breakaway14d6t5 6
2019-07-11 08:56:17OdetteNeon and GlassInitiative (race round 3)23+2d6 29
2019-07-11 08:54:28OdetteNeon and GlassCatch-up/breakaway14d6t5 2
2019-07-09 23:28:14OdetteNeon and GlassInitiative23+2d6 26
2019-07-09 21:06:31OdetteNeon and GlassDriving (The sequel)13d6t5 6
2019-07-09 21:05:44OdetteNeon and GlassDriving!13d6t5 4

Showing rolls 90 to 109 of 149 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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