Dice Roller

Roll history for Bunnielab

Showing rolls 36 to 55 of 55 | top | prev 20

2014-06-08 10:58:14MatchesDawDefusing the bomb11d6t5 3
2014-06-08 10:57:21MatchesDawIDing a bomb11d6t5 3
2014-06-07 08:11:34CapstickSeoul tesmINT15+2d6 19
2014-06-07 08:07:04CapstickSeoul teamDodging acid spit12d6t5 3
2014-06-06 13:37:13CapstickSeoul teamAttacking bug shaman, charging16d6t5 4
2014-05-15 06:56:43CapstickSeoul teamPerception test, inside building10d6t5 4
2014-05-15 06:54:04CapstickSeoul teamTracking the bug inside8d6t5 2
2014-05-15 06:42:50CapstickSeoul TeamSneaking into bug town.16d6t5 5
2014-04-29 19:17:42MatchesDWSneaking a smoke6d6t5 0
2014-04-26 03:32:53MatchesDWBug fun with new toys16d6t5 6
2014-04-15 06:48:01MatchesDWDemo check 412d6t5 5
2014-04-15 06:47:21MatchesDWDemo Check 312d6t5 4
2014-04-15 06:46:41MatchesDWDemo check 2, Edge reroll11d6t5 5
2014-04-15 06:45:37MatchesDWDemo check 212d6t5 1
2014-04-15 06:43:52MatchesDWDemo check 112d6t5 4
2014-04-04 15:08:33MatchesDesert warsInit, beginning the false flag op9+1d6 13
2014-03-26 22:42:03MatchesDeasert Warsputting a runt in his place (AGI + Exotic Ranged Weapon)13d6t5 5
2014-03-26 22:41:23MatchesDesert WarsPutting a runt in his place (AGI + Exotic Ranged Weapon)13d6t5 2
2014-03-26 08:42:50CapstickSeoul teamLast Swing at Sword-Dude, Edged12d6h5 2
2014-03-17 08:28:08CapstickSeoul teamReroll misses10d6t5 3

Showing rolls 36 to 55 of 55 | top | prev 20

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