Dice Roller

Roll history for Daidoji Kenta

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 172 | top | next 20

2013-04-12 22:44:37Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaD6 influence roll on the geisha, raise called, void spent TN 256d10o10k4 25
2013-04-12 09:16:50Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaMeditating before meeting Koji, TN 206d10o10k3 31
2013-04-12 02:17:09Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaInit!7d10o10k3 24
2013-04-12 02:09:09Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaAthletics roll with 3 free raises, void spent, TN 207d10o10k4 26
2013-04-12 02:05:45Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaThird Investigation roll in the chase, TN 257d10o10k4 42
2013-04-12 02:02:45Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaFirst 2 Investigation rolls in the chase, TN 252#7d10o10k4 39 29
2013-04-12 01:01:47Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaPost Battle Meditation: TN 206d10o10k3 21
2013-04-12 00:44:14Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaRed snow battle, no raises, TN 4010d10r1o10k5 69
2013-04-12 00:41:22Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaBattle of raging seas, 1 raise called, TN 4010d10r1o10k5 39
2013-04-12 00:35:16Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaBattle at Cherry Blosom Lake, 2 raises called, TN 4010d10r1o10k5 54
2013-04-12 00:31:26Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaBattle at Fortune's Plain, 1 raise called, TN 309d10r1o10k4 26
2013-04-12 00:29:44Daidoji KentaKyuden AgashaBattle of the thundering shrine, 2 raises called, TN 309d10r1o10k4 53

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 172 | top | next 20

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